The 2022 Cumsophia Prize Awarded to Rev. Toshiaki Koso
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The Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held November 15
The First SUAA National Conference in Four Years: the 2022 Shinshu Conference
Sophia University Autumn Semester Graduation Ceremony Held
The Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held November 15
今年のコムソフィア賞は、上智学院前理事長の高祖敏明先生(1971 文哲、現聖心女子大学学長)が受賞されることが決まりました。授賞式と記念講演会は11月15日(火)午後6時から2号館1702国際会議場で行います。
This year's Cumsophia Award will be presented to former Chancellor of Sophia University, Rev. Toshiaki Koso (1971 Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy; presently the President of the University of the Sacred Heart). The Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech will be held on Tuesday, November 15th, at 18:00 in room 1702, the International Conference Room, in Building 2, on the Yotsuya Campus.
The award is being given to Rev. Koso, the editor of Hidden Kirishitan of Japan Illustrated, which took five years to complete and which was published last year. Material that had been scattered and ultimately lost throughout Japan on the unique Japanese form of faith known as Hidden Christianity was conscientiously collected and reorganized to become this valuable resource that will be handed down to future generations.
The Cumsophia Prize, jointly sponsored by SUAA and Cumsophia with support from Sophia University, recognizes Sophians with active roles in the media, and is celebrating its 31st anniversary this year.
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The First SUAA National Conference in Four Years: the 2022 Shinshu Conference
The Regional SUAA National Conference, the Shinshu Conference, was held over two days, Saturday and Sunday, September 24th and 25th, with the main venue being Hotel Buena Vista in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture. Approximately 200 Sophians and university officials from both around Japan and abroad participated.
This was the 11th National Conference. Although due to the COVID-19 outbreak this was the first time in four years for it to be held, once the event began, information exchange meetings, commemorative speeches, and social gatherings were held as in the past, and members seeing one another after a long time were seen warming up their friendships.
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Sophia University Autumn Semester Graduation Ceremony Held
This experience will surely support you in the many years to come.などと述べました(9月期学位授与式はすべて英語で行われています)。
Sophia University held its 2022 academic year Autumn Semester Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday, September 20th, in Room 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya Campus during which a total of 253 received their undergraduate and graduate diplomas.
Although the approach of Typhoon No. 14 caused a one-hour Opening Ceremony delay, the ceremony otherwise proceeded as scheduled with Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi giving the Ceremonial Address, diplomas being presenting to representative graduates, and Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma giving the Congratulatory Address. Expressing consideration for these graduates who had been prevented from experiencing their desired student lives because of the COVID-19 outbreak, SUAA President Masao Torii said, "This experience will surely support you in the many years to come." (Autumn Semester Commencement Ceremonies are conducted exclusively in English.)
Following the ceremony, many graduates went to the Sophians Club.
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■英文広報誌 SOPHIA magazine Vol.14(2022年9月発行)
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■四谷キャンパスの新名所 S-TERRASSE 完成!
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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