ソフィア会は代議員会を経てASFへ SUAA Heads to ASF via the Conference of National Representatives
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2021 Academic Year Business Plan and Budget among Approved Agenda Items at the Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA
ASF Held on May 30th. Check These Highlights!
Seeking Participants for Sophia Volunteer Activities
2021 Academic Year Business Plan and Budget among Approved Agenda Items at the Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA
The 2021 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA was held online from the Sophians Club on Saturday, May 22nd at 14:00. The Conference opened with a greeting from Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) President Masao Torii, which was followed by greetings from invited guests Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma and Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi, who spoke about the current situation at Sophia University amid the COVID-19 outbreak and the University's initiatives.
Each of the seven items brought up for discussion on the agenda was respectively explained by the committee member in charge. Reports were given on the approval of the new delegates and new registered organizations for which electronic voting had been conducted in advance, as well as on the approval of the 2020 Academic Year Business Plan, Financial Statement, and Audit Report; and the 2021 Academic Year Business Plan and Budget. At the end, a report was given on events taking place during ASF which will be held on May 30th.
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ASF Held on May 30th. Check These Highlights!
ソフィア会は今年のASFを5月30日(日) の10:00~17:00まで、YouTube / Facebookで視聴可能なバーチャル開催として行います。
SUAA will hold ASF 2021 virtually on Sunday, May 30th from 10:00 to 17:00 which can be watched on YouTube and Facebook.
Multiple events will be broadcast concurrently on three channels so that you can enjoy a variety of events that have been planned. Among those events, we would like to highlight the Charity Auction. Proceeds from the items for sale, including calligraphy by former Prime Minister Hosokawa, will be donated to the Sophia School Corporation SOPHIA Fund for the Future to support students who face difficulty continuing their education.
The Charity Auction will be held in two sessions on Sunday, May 30th, one from 10:45-11:15 and the other from 15:45-16:30. We welcome everyone to tune in and bid.
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Seeking Participants for Sophia Volunteer Activities
To significantly expand our activities, based on the SUAA Vision for the Future Plan which SUAA announced during the 2019 academic year, we are seeking alumni among our membership to actively engage as volunteers.
Specifically, volunteers will be asked to participate in activities as members of committees established under the SUAA Standing Committee. We hope everyone interested will feel free to contact the SUAA Secretariat at info@sophiakai.gr.jp.
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■5/30(日)12:00~13:00 ASFでオンライン配信。(申込不要)
浜田敬子氏 講演会 テーマ「ポストコロナ時代の働き方」
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■5/30(日)14:00~15:20 ASFでオンライン配信。(申込不要)
テレビ朝日プロデューサー 加地倫三氏(92年ポルトガル語学科卒) 講演会
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■5/30(日)15:30~16:30 ASFでオンライン配信。(申込不要)
晴佐久昌英神父講演会 テーマ「コロナ禍から見えてきたこと」
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■5/30(日)11:00~12:10 ASFでオンライン配信(申込不要)
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■5/30(日)10:30~16:30 ASFでオンライン配信。(申込不要)
「Sophians around the world」
10:30 南北アメリカ(NY・ワシントンDC・LA・コロンビア・サンパウロ)
11:30 日本(関西・岩手・長野・福岡)
12:30 東南アジア(ジャカルタ・ベトナム・バンコク)
13:30 南アジア・オセアニア(インド、他)
14:30 若手ソフィアン大集合!(フランクフルト・グラスゴー・パリ・ミラノ)
15:30 ヨーロッパ・アフリカ(アイルランド・フランス・ベルギー・チューリッヒ・ザンビア)
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新聞学科卒業にして図書館司書の資格も持つ、真打・入船亭扇治が 落語の通になれる極意と共に、十八番の演目をお届けします。共催:マスコミ・ソフィア会/上智大学落語ソフィア会
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■ASF2021公式グッズ販売中です。上智大学の一年に一度のホームカミングデー All Sophians' Festival 2021公式グッズです。色やサイズも選べます。
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「コロナに負けない体を作ろう!誰でもできる運動をご紹介!」と「マラウイってどんな国? 現地の社会貢献事業を通じてご紹介!」
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■ASF2021 英文学科同窓会特別企画
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■史学科同窓会 ASF2021講演動画公開のお知らせ
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和三年四月例会(メール句会)報告
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■第1回 フランス・ソフィア会オンライン懇親会 開催報告(4月24日開催)と
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■SPEECCソフィア会 Zoom「英文法LIVE(ライブ)」実施報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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