ASC Held on Campus for the First Time in Three Years
□□==== 配信数:50,389 ====□□
ASC Held December 9
SUAA Conference of Regional SUAA Group Representatives Held
Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held Next Week on the 15th
ASC Held December 9
The 15th annual All Sophians' Christmas (ASC) will be held as an official Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) event on Friday, December 9th at 18:30 in a hybrid format: on the Yotsuya Campus in the Active Commons located on the B1 level of Building 9, and online.
The event will be held in the Active Commons for the first time in three years, and as in previous years, it will be held in two parts: the Christmas Inori prayer time in the first part beginning at 18:30 and the Christmas Tsudoi gathering in the second part of the event from 19:00. Those planning to come to the Active Commons need to complete the designated registration form by the day before the event in order to gain entry. Upon entry, please wear a mask and contribute to the SOPHIA Fund for the Future to support international students.
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SUAA Conference of Regional SUAA Group Representatives Held
The SUAA Organizing Committee held the 2nd National SUAA Conference of Regional Liaisons on Saturday, October 29th in Conference Room 1701 in Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus.
This Conference is hosted by the Organizing Committee to invigorate the activities of the 76 regional SUAA groups in Japan and to further strengthen ties among them. The COVID-19 outbreak suspended events following the 1st Conference, so this was the first time in three years the Conference was able to held. The over 60 participants including representatives of 38 groups from Kyushu to Hokkaido, and SUAA Board members held enthusiastic discussions on predetermined themes that began at 13:00 and continued to well past the scheduled 16:00 ending.
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Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held Next Week on the 15th
As previously announced, this year's Cumsophia Award will be presented to former Chancellor of Sophia University, Rev. Toshiaki Koso. The Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech will be held on Tuesday, November 15 at 18:00 in room 1702, the International Conference Room, in Building 2, on the Yotsuya Campus. This event will not be streamed online.
The award is being given to Rev. Koso, the editor of Hidden Kirishitan of Japan Illustrated, which took five years to complete and which was published last year. The topic of his address at the event will be What Hidden Kirishitan of Japan Illustrated Asks of Us. Please use the link below to register to attend.
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■ワンダーフォーゲル部OB会 第20回OB会山行報告
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■アイルランドソフィア会 ベトナム料理店で久しぶりの再会
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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