スローガンは「つなげよう、拡げよう、深めよう、ソフィアンの絆」 Slogan: "Connect, Expand, and Deepen Sophian Bonds"
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Promoting Concrete Measures for the Vision for the Future: New Year's Greeting from the President
【2】アクティブコモンズで厳かに、そして華やかに - ASC 2019
The Active Commons was Solemn and Dazzling - ASC 2019
Japanese Speech Contest, the First Xavier Cup, Held December 8th
Promoting Concrete Measures for the Vision for the Future: New Year's Greeting from the President
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) President Koichi Togawa, has shared his resolution for the new
Seeking to realize the two core SUAA aims of "building strong ties among members" and "contributing to the a
chievement and development of the University" at a higher level, he said "Last year a committee to investigate
the Vision for the Future, compiled 12 measures for us to pursue, and this year we will concentrate on
concretely pushing the implementation of these plans forward. SUAA selected the 'Connect, Expand, and
Deepen Sophian Bonds' slogan to bring about these comprehensive measures, and I hope that this slogan will
unite Sophians as we put these measures into effect."
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【2】アクティブコモンズで厳かに、そして華やかに - ASC 2019
The Active Commons was Solemn and Dazzling - ASC 2019
、大束晋さん(文哲)とあまの伶さん(外葡)の合奏、プロ歌手藤島新さん(外英)の高く甘い歌声、The Rascal Strang
The All Sophians' Christmas (ASC) 2019 was held in the Active Commons on the Yotsuya campus at 18:00 on
Friday, December 13th.
As is customary, the first half was Sophians in prayer and the second part was a party, and 16 organizations set
up a variety of booths at the venue. A portion of the proceeds from these charity booths will be donated through
the Japanese Red Cross Society to support refugees in southern Bangladesh where Misa Yamamoto (Seibo
College of Nursing) provides local support.
Party entertainment, which included a performance by Sophia Jazz Society students, a solo by Yukari Inoue
(Faculty of Foreign Studies, Comparative Culture) who lives in Phuket, Thailand, a duet by Shin Otsuka (Faculty
of Humanities, Department of Philosophy) and Rei Amano (Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of
Luso-Brazilian Studies), the high and sweet voice of professional singer Shin Fujishima (Faculty of Foreign
Studies, Department of English Studies), as well as pops and Christmas songs by The Rascal Strangers, was
exciting for the audience.
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Japanese Speech Contest, the First Xavier Cup, Held December 8th
On Sunday, December 8th, for the first time students from other Christian universities were invited to
participate in the First Xavier Cup Japanese speech contest held in a classroom in Building No 2. The 14
participants represented Aoyama Gakuin University, University of the Sacred Heart, Dokkyo University, Rikkyo
University and Sophia University.
The theme was their 'most impressive experience in Japan'. After rigorous judging, Liu Conghui (China,
Aoyama Gakuin University) won the championship cup. The contest finished as a great success, and the
following social gathering at the Sophians' Club continued with a bright and warm atmosphere.
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■スペシャル講演会: 東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックに向けて
Report on Coca-Cola's Sports Business
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■ソフィア会講演会 スペシャル対談(11/27)
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■英国ソフィア会 ロンドン市内で新年会を企画(1/23)
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■Aula de comida Timore Leste 東ティモール料理教室(2/1)
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和元年十二月例会報告(12/26)
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■香港ソフィア会東京支部 忘年会報告(12/23)
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■2019年度酒讃会冬の分科会 開催報告(12/17)
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総合人間科学部社会学科 渡邉 深 教授 最終講義(2020年2月29日)
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から、手続きをお願いいたし
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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