コロナで明け暮れた今年のソフィア会を振り返る Looking Back on SUAA This Year Spent on COVID-19
□□==== 配信数:42,645 ====□□
【1】ソフィア会十大ニュース―注目されたNet de ASFと学生支援
Top Ten SUAA News Items: Net de ASF and Student Support Were in the Spotlights
We Will Open the Sophians Club at the Beginning of 2021
Support for Our Alma Mater's World University Rankings
【1】ソフィア会十大ニュース―注目されたNet de ASFと学生支援
Top Ten SUAA News Items: Net de ASF and Student Support Were in the Spotlights
アクセス数第一位に輝いたのは、ソフィア会による学生支援の記事。しかし、関連する記事の数では、今年オンラインで開催した「Net de ASF」がランキング上位を独占しました。例年通り、いや例年以上にASFが注目された年でした
As is customary, we present our annual Top Ten Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) News Items.
Based on the calculated SUAA website traffic (page views), we find SUAA struggling throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.
The most accessed article was on SUAA student support. However, in terms of the number of related articles, Net de ASF, which was held online this year, dominated the rankings, As usual, or even more than usual, ASF attracted a lot of attention this year.
Although COVID-19 has undeniably and severely limited SUAA activities, it can be said that we have caught glimpses of ingenuity creating a different kind of SUAA this year.
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We Will Open the Sophians Club at the Beginning of 2021
SUAA will open the Sophians Club, which has been closed for an extended period due to the COVID-19 outbreak, on Tuesday, January 5th, in line with the first day the Sophia University campuses will be open.
Reservations are already being accepted during December.Nonetheless, this is not a complete opening; restrictions are in place. For example, the Sophians Club may only be used by SUAA registered organizations on weekdays between 11:00 and 16:00. It will remain closed on weekends and holidays. The number of individuals that may be accommodated at one time is restricted to ten(10). Reservations are mandatory and they must be made through the SUAA website.
There are some other things that we would like you to keep in mind, and because the number of infected individuals still continues to increase we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
Support for Our Alma Mater's World University Rankings
曄道佳明上智大学長より、QS 世界大学ランキング(イギリスの大学評価機関であるクアクアレリ・シモンズ(QS)が毎年公表している世界の大学のランキング)のためのQS Global Employer Surveyへの協力要請があり、ソフィア会は母校の世界における価値向上に貢献するものとして協力することとしました。
昨年度は、多くのみなさまご協力のおかげで、「Employer Reputation(雇用者からの評判)」において前年度の501+から485位と500位圏内入りを果たしています。
Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi has requested SUAA's cooperation in taking the QS Global Employer Survey for the QS World University Rankings, (an annual ranking of the world's universities published by Quacquarelli Simmons (QS), a British organization evaluating of higher education institutions around the globe).
We will cooperate to improve the assessment of our alma mater.
We would like SUAA members who are business owners, executives, and human resource professionals to sign up for the QS survey, and we hope you will also spread the word with other Sophians you know.
Thanks to so many of you cooperating last year, Sophia University moved from below the 501st place in the previous year up into the top 500 in the Employer Reputation category, and now ranks at 485th place.
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■史学科同窓会 北條勝貴先生講演動画公開のお知らせ(年内限定公開)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■埼玉西部ソフィア会 "2020年度総会" 開催報告(11/15)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■本日12/11(金)18:30よりオールソフィアンのクリスマスNet de ASC 2020がオンラインで開催されます。
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたし
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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