New Year's Celebration Held at the ARK Hills Club
SUAA and SBC Co-hosted a New Year's Celebration for the First Time in 3 Years
Glee Club Alumni Choir Concert Held
ASF2023 Questionnaire Request
SUAA and SBC Co-hosted a New Year's Celebration for the First Time in 3 Years
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) and the Sophia Business Club (SBC) co-hosted a New Year's celebration for the first time in three years on Wednesday, January 18th at the Akasaka ARK Hills Club (Ark Mori Building). Approximately sixty people attended.
As the organizer of the event, SBC President Okifumi Murata first presented a speech which included his plans for the upcoming year. In the next address, SUAA President Masao Torii said "I became SUAA President three years ago, and this is the first opportunity for me to attend the New Year's Celebration. We have to create a new normal for society because of COVID-19. To that end, I plan to contribute to the University and support our students."
Following greetings from invited guests given by Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma, Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi, and former Japanese Ambassador to the United States and former Sophia University Distinguished Professor Ichiro Fujisaki who was conferred with the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure last Autumn, former SUAA President Koichi Togawa proposed a toast which led into time for chats. The superb night view from the ARK Hills Club, delicious cuisine, and wine encouraged friendly conversations.
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Glee Club Alumni Choir Concert Held
曲目は(1)ラテン語の聖母マリアへの祈り「天使祝詞」をグレゴリオ聖歌、パレストリーナ、ブルックナー、ビーブルの曲で「Ave Maria」、(2)日伊国交樹立150周年記念コンサートで来日公演したイタリアの男声合唱団「CORO BRIANZA」が歌った曲の楽譜をもらい受け、OB合唱団が5年間歌いついできた愛唱曲「イタリア愛唱曲集」、(3)無伴奏男声合唱による日本名歌集「ノスタルジア」。そして上智大学女声OG合唱団の賛助出演による女声合唱とピアノのための「恋するとき、夢みるとき」。
The Sophia Glee Club Alumni Choir will hold a concert entitled "CONCERT 2023" on Sunday, April 16th at Suginami Koukaido [Public Hall], which is a 7-minute walk from JR Ogikubo Station.
The program includes, 1) "Hail Mary" a prayer to the Virgin Mary presented as a Gregorian chant in Latin, and "Ave Maria" by Palestrina, Bruckner and Biebl; 2) a collection of favorite Italian songs which the Glee Club Alumni Choir has been singing for five years since receiving the scores that were performed by the Italian men's chorus CORO BRIANZA in concerts here in Japan that commemorated the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Italy; and 3) a collection of Japanese masterpieces "Nostalgia" presented acapella by a chorus of male voices. The supporting Sophia University Female Alumnae Chorus will perform "When in love, when in dreams" for female chorus and piano.
Although this concert was originally scheduled for February 2021, the spread of COVID-19 caused it to be postponed for a bit over two years. Currently, the chorus has over forty members who are now putting on the finishing touches.
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ASF2023 Questionnaire Request
The Executive Committee set up for ASF 2023 has begun preparations, and so that all Sophians find it as easy and enjoyable as possible to participate, we have been asked to complete a questionnaire about our experiences participating in ASF. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
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■法学部同窓会 音楽の夕べ開催案内
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■福岡ソフィア会 新年会報告
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■熊本ソフィア会 三年ぶりの新年会開催報告
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■デュッセルドルフ・ソフィア会 新年会開催報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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