未来に向けて輝くソフィア会つくりを Creating a Dazzling Sophia University Alumni Association for the Future
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Sophians Encircling the Globe - From Sophia University Alumni
Association President Togawa's New Year's Greetings
The First Lecture of the Year: What Will The Future of Automobiles
Be? Held January 22nd
2018 SUAA Events - ASF Held May 27th
Sophians Encircling the Globe - From Sophia University Alumni
Association President Togawa's New Year's Greetings
In his customary New Year's greeting, Sophia University Alumni
Association (SUAA) President Koichi Togawa said, "SUAA has been working
to enhance friendship among members and to advocate for the
accomplishment and development of the mission of our alma mater, Sophia
University, however, in order for Sophia University to further develop
and to survive as an outstanding university, it is important to expand
the Sophian Network to cover the entire globe, to create many gathering
places for Sophians, and to create an environment in which it is easy to
In order to realize these, some issues have also become clear. Again
this year, I request your continued support for both SUAA and the
development of Sophia University.
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The First Lecture of the Year: What Will The Future of Automobiles
Be? Held January 22nd
「どうなるクルマの未来 ~空想社会が現実に!」を行います。
SUAA will launch a new lecture series called Hear From Management. The
first session, entitled What Will The Future of Automobiles Be? -
Fantasy Society Becomes Reality!, will be held on Monday, January 22nd
at 18:00 in Conference Room 1702 on the 17th floor of Building 2 on the
Yotsuya Campus.
Former Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Chairman, Fumihiko Ike, who is presently
serving as SUAA Vice President (1976, Faculty of Foreign Studies,
Department of English Studies), will be the lecturer. He will talk about
the current and future states of the automotive industry, which is
facing a major turning point, as well as next generation cars.
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2018 SUAA Events - ASF Held May 27th
SUAA is planning a variety of events again this year.
All-Sophians' Festival (ASF), currently SUAA's largest event, will be
held on Sunday, May 27th. The 10th Regional Sophia University Alumni
Association (SUAA) National Conference will be held for the first time
on Shikoku, in Takamatsu City over the September 29-30 weekend. Several
other events we are planning to co-host with Sophia University include
the Sophians' Cup Golf Tournament, All Sophians' Christmas (ASC), and
lectures. We look forward to a good turnout at these events.
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■英文広報誌 SOPHIA magazine vol.6(2017年冬号)を発行しました
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■テニス同好会SLTA OB&OG会:秦野OBテニス企画のお知らせ(1/14)
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■放送研究会SBC OB会開催報告(11/3)
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■「市ヶ谷留学ドイツ人OB、現役学生を交えての忘年会」 開催報告(11/24)
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■アイルランドソフィア会 2017年11月同窓会 開催報告(11/25)
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■愛媛ソフィア会忘年会 開催報告(11/26)
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■メディア&エンタテインメント ソフィア会(MEソフィア会)会員大会 開催報告
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(上智大学ソフィア会事務局 山崎渉記)
◇発行人:上智大学ソフィア会会長 戸川宏一
◇編集人:上智大学ソフィア会広報委員長 宍戸周夫
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