HOME > ソフィア会の発行物 > メールニュース > ローマ教皇来校に合わせ写真展を開催 Photo Exhibition Held in Conjunction with the Visit of the Pope to Sophia Universityソフィア会の発行物


Photo Exhibition Held in Conjunction with the Visit of the Pope to Sophia University



□□==== 配信数:37,972 ====□□


A Photo Exhibition Commemorating Pope Francis' Visit is Being Held
The 1st National Liaison Conference of Regional SUAA Branches Held
The 'Five Years Since Graduating Festival' Held


A Photo Exhibition Commemorating Pope Francis' Visit is Being Held

上智大学は11月14日(木)~12月20日(金)、2号館1階エントランスにおいて教皇フランシスコ来訪記念写真展「ロー マ教皇と上智大学」を開催中です。
ローマ教皇が11月23日~26日に来日、最終日の26日には上智大学を訪れることを記念して企画されたもので、上智 大学とローマ教皇の深い関わりを年表で振り返ります。1981年に聖ヨハネ・パウロ2世教皇が来校した際の写真や、 教皇フランシスコが2013年の本学設立100周年に寄せた書簡なども紹介しています。

Sophia University is holding a Photo Exhibition Commemorating Pope Francis' Visit entitled "The Pope and Sophia University" from Thursday, November 14th through Friday, December 20th in the first floor entrance of Building 2.
Pope Francis will visit Japan from November 23rd to 26th. This exhibit, commemorates the Pope's visit to the Yotsuya Campus on Tuesday, the 26th, the final day of his visit. A chronological table looks back on the deep relationship between Sophia University and the Pope. The exhibition includes photos of the visit Pope John Paul II made to Sophia University in 1981 and a letter written by Pope Francis upon the University's Centennial Anniversary in 2013.
Please note that an exhibit concerning Pope Francis in the first floor display area in Building 6 will open on Saturday, November 23rd.

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ローマ教皇来日記念 ジョー・オダネル写真展「戦争がもたらすもの」開催中

The 1st National Liaison Conference of Regional SUAA Branches Held

会議は、各地域ソフィア会から提供された活動報告を基に、総会や各種イベントの開催実例の紹介のほか、各イベ ントの会員への周知方法、新会員の獲得方法、地域ソフィア会活動の活性化方法など、地域ソフィア会が抱える問 題について意見交換を行いました。
また、近隣の各地域ソフィア会がお互いの交流を通して連携を促進しネットワーク化を図るため、ソフィア会は全国を 10ブロックに区分した「全国地域ブロック・ソフィア会制度」を提案、本制度を実現するために今後、各地域ソフィア会 で取り組むことが確認されました。

Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) held the 1st National Liaison Conference of Regional SUAA Branches on Saturday, November 11th.
Based on activity reports submitted by each regional SUAA branch, the conference learned about examples of general meetings and various events, as well as ways to publicize events to all members, how to increase membership, how to stimulate regional branch activities, and opinions were offered on issues faced by regional branches.
Additionally, in order to promote collaboration and networking among neighboring regional branches, SUAA proposed grouping regional branches around the nation into a system of ten (10) blocks. Regional branch liaisons confirmed they will develop initiatives to implement this "National Blocks of Regional SUAA Branches system".

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The 'Five Years Since Graduating Festival' Held

これまで、卒業15周年の銅祝、25年の銀祝、40年のルビー祝、50年の金祝を行ってきましたが、さらに若い世代を対 象とした集まりは今回が初めて。卒業後初めて母校を訪れた人も多く、久しぶりの同級生との再会や在学時とはか なり変わってきている校舎の話題などに花が咲きました。

SUAA launched a new event, the 'Five Years Since Graduating Festival' on Sunday, November 3rd. Until now, celebrations have been held for the 50-year Gold Anniversary, 40-year Ruby Anniversary, 25-year Silver Anniversary and 15-year Bronze Anniversary, but this was the first occasion to honor an even younger group of alumni. Attending this event was the first time since graduation for many of these alumni to return to their alma mater, so seeing their classmates after such a long time and the considerable changes to the buildings on campus since when they were students here were topics of lively conversation.

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■上智大学通信 第439号 2019年11月18日発行
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■国際委員会学生支援活動報告 アメリカでの学生交流 
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■日本語スピーチコンテスト「ザビエル杯」 5大学15人の留学生を迎えて開催(12/8)
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■マスコミ・ソフィア会年末恒例 講演を聞いてワインを飲もう会(12/10)
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和元年十月例会報告(10/24)
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■2019年度観光同期会 開催報告(10/18)
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◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会

