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ASCもオンラインで開催します ASC Also Held Online



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ASC Held Online on December 11th
SUAA Specialized Committees Restructured and Increased
SUAA President Torii Gives Congratulatory Address at the September 2020 Graduation Ceremony


ASC Held Online on December 11th

今年のオールソフィアンズクリスマス(ASC)は12月11日(金)18時30からオンラインで開催、YouTubeやFacebookで 配信します。
第1部は例年通り「祈りの場」で、クリスマスの祈りや国内各地、また海外の方も参加する共同祈願を行う予定です。 第2部のパーティは「憩いの場」とし、恩師による演奏、それぞれおなじみの方々の歌声や演奏、コーラスなどさまざ まな催しを企画しています。
春の「オールソフィアンの集い(ASF)」をオンラインで開催、大成功を収めたことから、ASCもオンライン開催としたも のです。

This year, the All Sophians' Christmas (ASC) will be held online on Friday, December 11th at 18:30. You can participate via YouTube or Facebook.
The first half will consist of the customary "time for prayer" for Christmas prayers during which time we hope that participants in Japan as well as overseas will join in prayer. The party held in the second half will be a "time for play" with a variety of entertaining activities such as presentations by our former professors, as well as musical and dramatic and choral performances by familiar faces.
Following the enormous hit of the 2020 All Sophians' Festival (ASF) held online this past spring, ASC will also be held online.

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SUAA Specialized Committees Restructured and Increased

ソフィア会は9月5日に開催した秋季全国代議員会で鳥居正男会長による新体制を発足しましたが、これに伴い一部 専門委員会の組織を改編しました。ソフィア会の「将来ビジョン」のスローガン「つなげよう、拡げよう、深めよう、ソフィ アンの絆」の実現を目指すものです。
具体的には、(1)総務委員会から「ソフィアンズクラブ委員会」を分離独立、(2)奨学金等学生支援特別委員会を発展 的に解消し「学生支援・奨学金委員会」を新設、(3)学部・学科同窓会特別委員会を発展的に解消し「学部・学科同窓 会委員会」を新設。これによって、専門委員会は時限の特別委員会を含め合計13と拡大しました。

With the new system ushered in with the inauguration of Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) President Masao Torii at the 2020 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA held on September 5th, some of the Specialized Committees have been restructured. The aim of this restructuring is to realize the SUAA Vision for the Future slogan: "Join, Widen, Deepen Sophia Family".
Specifically, (1) the "Sophians Club Committee" was spun off from the General Affairs Committee; (2) the "Student Support and Scholarship Committee" was newly established by dissolving and integrating the Student Support and Scholarship Ad Hoc Committee; and (3) the "Undergraduate Faculty and Department Alumni Chapter Committee" was newly established by dissolving and integrating the Undergraduate Faculty and Department Alumni Chapter Ad Hoc Committee. As a result the number of Specialized Committees, including Ad Hoc Committees, has increased to thirteen.

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SUAA President Torii Gives Congratulatory Address at the September 2020 Graduation Ceremony

上智大学は9月18日(金)午前10時から9月期の学位授与式を開催しました。式典はすべて英語で行われ、曄道佳明 上智大学長、佐久間勤上智学院理事長とともに、鳥居ソフィア会会長も登壇、祝辞を述べました。
今年はコロナ禍の影響で、6号館101教室の式典会場には登壇者と学位記を授与される学生代表および謝辞を述べ る学生のみが入場。一般の卒業生はZoomによるオンラインでの参加となりました。途中でZoom参加している卒業生 や職員からのメッセージが読まれ、また学生時代の思い出や卒業にあたっての抱負を書いたボードを持った卒業生 の写真が流れるなど、配信を担当した放送研究会の学生・卒業生の活躍でオンラインと感じさせない臨場感あふれ る式典となりました。

Sophia University held its September 2020 Graduation Ceremony on Friday, September 18th at 10:00. The entire ceremony was conducted in English. In addition to Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi and Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma, SUAA President Torii gave his congratulatory address at the podium.
This year the COVID-19 outbreak limited in-person participation to only the speakers, representative degree recipients, and a student representative expressing gratitude. The live ceremony held in classroom 101 in Building 6 (Sophia Tower) on the Yotsuya Campus. The remainder of the graduating class attended the Graduation Ceremony online via Zoom. Thanks to students and alumni in the Sophia Broadcasting Circle who were in charge of the transmission, the ceremony felt less like an online event with the interspersed inclusion of messages from the graduates and faculty members participating via Zoom which were read out loud, and a slideshow of new graduates holding signs with memories of their university days and future aspirations upon graduation.

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■史学科同窓会 秋の見学会実施見合わせのお知らせ
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■ニューヨーク・東京会 秋の柴又散策会(10/31)
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和二年八月例会(メール句会)報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたし ます。


◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会


