HOME > ソフィア会の発行物 > メールニュース > ソフィア会が協力し、ザビエル像を四谷キャンパスに移設 With SUAA Cooperation, Saint Xavier Statue Relocated to the Yotsuya Campusソフィア会の発行物


With SUAA Cooperation, Saint Xavier Statue Relocated to the Yotsuya Campus



□□==== 配信数:37,967 ====□□


   Unveiling Ceremony for the Ichigaya Campus Statue of Saint Xavier Held November 1st
Hear From Management Series Third Lecture, Entitled Global Personnel Requirements, Held October 28th
Sponsor Groups for ASC 2019 Charity Booths Sought


   Unveiling Ceremony for the Ichigaya Campus Statue of Saint Xavier Held November 1st


When Sophia University closed the Ichigaya Campus in September, the statue of St. Francis Xavier, who had watched over the Ichigaya Campus students, faculty and staff, was relocated to Yotsuya Campus in front of Building 10, and the unveiling ceremony was held on November 1st, the anniversary of Sophia University's founding. The unveiling ceremony was held that day from 9:00 in front of the Auditorium, overseen by Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma, Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi and Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) President Koichi Togawa among other University representatives, while Fr. Lee Sung-il, S.J., from the Catholic Jesuit Center served as the officiating Catholic priest.
SUAA donated 1.2 million yen to support this relocation project, which included repair costs for the damaged statue.

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Hear From Management Series Third Lecture, Entitled Global Personnel Requirements, Held October 28th


Sophia University and Sophia University Alumni Association co-hosted the Hear From Management Series Third Lecture, entitled Global Personnel Requirements on Monday, October 28 in Conference Room 1702 in Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. Students were among the approximately 200 participants. Masao Torii has been in the foreign-affiliated pharmaceutical industry for 48 years. During that time, he served as a corporate president for 26 years, a true top leader. Mr. Torii pointed out, "How can this be achieved in Japan, where it is difficult to nurture global human resources? The hint is 'intercultural communication'."

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Sponsor Groups for ASC 2019 Charity Booths Sought


SUAA will hold ASC 2019 on Friday, December 13th, and is currently looking for booth sponsors at the party venue. Please apply to the SUAA Secretariat by Friday, November 15th. Part of the proceeds from this year's booths will be donated to Bangladesh Southern Refugee Support in Bangladesh where Misa Yamamoto (2012 Seibo College of Nursing) spent half a year providing medical support.

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■8th"Autumn/Winter"Haiku Contest
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◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会

