「あしながおじさん」上映会を開催 Daddy Long Legs - Ashinaga Ojisan Movie Screening
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Daddy Long Legs - Ashinaga Ojisan Movie and Talk Show Held
Fukudaya Kioi Tei Opening
Sophia Business Club to Hold New Year's Celebration Wednesday,
January 17, 2018
Daddy Long Legs - Ashinaga Ojisan Movie and Talk Show Held
ソフィア会は上智大学と共催で、2017年10月26日(木) 2号館17階会議室に
おいて「Daddy Long Legs~あしながおじさん」の上映会とトークショーを
SUAA and Sophia University co-hosted a screening of the documentary
entitled Daddy Long Legs - Ashinaga Ojisan and a talk show on Thursday,
October 26th, in the Conference Room on the 17th floor of Building 2 on
the Yotsuya Campus. The speaker was the director of the movie, Shinji
Shinoda (1985, Foreign Studies, Luso-Brazilian Studies).
Mr. Shinoda learned about the non-profit Ashinaga organization as a
foreign student while he was working as intern at a Brazilian company.
This movie depicts the activities of Mr. Yoshiomi Tamai, the founder of
the Ashinaga organization. Mr. Shinoda said, I would like to boost the
number of supporters through producing Japanese and English versions,
not only in Japan, but overseas and via the internet." He aims for a
theatrical premiere in June of 2018, and to thereafter make it available
free of charge to those willing to hold screenings and comparable events.
Following the talk, a social gathering was held in the Sophians Club to
enhance the dialogue.
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Fukudaya Kioi Tei Opening
The opening of the Kioi Tei was held on Thursday, October 26th in
Building 13 (the former Fukudaya Building) on the Yotsuya campus. Sophia
University acquired the building when Fukudaya relocated, and although
it has since been used as Building 13, it was decided the Japanese-style
rooms and the like would be opened as Kioi Tei (Kioi Pavilion) to be
used by Sophia faculty, staff, students and graduates.
At the opening, in addition to the largest Japanese-style room,
Aoi-no-ma (Hollyhock Room), other Japanese-style rooms, such as the
Take-no-ma (Bamboo Room), Yuki-no-ma (Snow Room), and Matsu-no-ma (Pine
Room) which have distinct aspects, a tea room, a 760 year-old Japanese-
style room from a rural cottage that was transported and rebuilt, and a
Western-style room on the first floor were open for viewing.
Stepping forward as a guide, Chancellor Toshiaki Koso said, "I'm
thinking about swapping out artwork and furnishings with the seasons.
I would like for there to be a system for bringing in decorative
displays of seasonal items for the Doll Festival and Children's Day for
example. It would also be nice to have rotating exhibits of alumni
Particularly for international students at Sophia, this is likely to be
a great place to experience Japanese culture.
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Sophia Business Club to Hold New Year's Celebration Wednesday,
January 17, 2018
Sophia Business Club (SBC) will hold its New Year's Celebration on
Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 18:30 in the Sophians Club on the 6th
floor of Sophia Tower (Building 6) on the Yotsuya campus. In addition
to members, everyone is welcome to this event.
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■シンガポールソフィア会 忘年会のお知らせ(11/22)
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■ソフィア俳句会 平成二十九年十月例会報告(10/26)
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■参火会例会 新シリーズ「世界遺産を考える集い」のお知らせ
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
(上智大学ソフィア会事務局 山崎渉記)
◇発行人:上智大学ソフィア会会長 戸川宏一
◇編集人:上智大学ソフィア会広報委員長 宍戸周夫
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