For the First Time in Four Years, the Regional SUAA National Conference Will be Held in Matsumoto
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The Regional SUAA National Conference, the Shinshu Conference, Held September 24-25
【2】2022年度会務報告 ~会員大会での報告に代えて~
2022 Academic Year Sophia Alumni Affairs Report 2022 - in Lieu of Presentation at the Sophia Alumni Meeting
2022 Academic Year SUAA Livelihood Support for Students Awarded and Report Meeting Held
The Regional SUAA National Conference, the Shinshu Conference, Held September 24-25
The Regional Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) National Conference, the Shinshu Conference, hosted by the Alps SUAA, will be held in Matsumoto, Nagano over two days, Saturday and Sunday, September 24th and 25th.
The venue is Hotel Buena Vista, a 7-minute walk from JR Matsumoto Station. The Information Exchange and Conference Ceremony, which will include commemorative speeches, will be held here. As is customary, a get-together will be held the first evening of the Conference and an excursion will be held the following day to promote building strong ties among members participating from all around the nation.
The first Regional SUAA National Conference was held in Kitakyushu in 2009. Although it was thereafter held annually in various cities in Honshu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku, literally all around the nation, the COVID-19 outbreak caused an interruption following the 2018 Kagawa Conference in Takamatsu. All alumni are welcome to participate. Since this is the first National Conference to be held in a long time, we look forward to having you join us.
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【2】2022年度会務報告 ~会員大会での報告に代えて~
2022 Academic Year Sophia Alumni Affairs Report 2022 - in Lieu of Presentation at the Sophia Alumni Meeting
The SUAA Regulations stipulate that at the end of the academic year, the SUAA President shall report on Sophia alumni affairs at the Sophia Alumni Meeting. Since again this year COVID-19 prevents us from holding the Sophia Alumni Meeting in person, President Masao Torii gave the 2022 Alumni Affairs Report at the Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA, which was held online.
In his report, SUAA President Masao Torii first reviewed the 2021 academic year, and saying although COVID-19 restricted SUAA activities, the activities were managed to operate efficiently. As for contributions to the alma mater and support for current students, he reported that the SUAA donated 30 million yen from its budget and individual alumni and organizations donated 23.58 million yen in emergency assistance for COVID-19 Disaster Student Support.
For the new academic year, he raised seven operational goals, which included promoting "Specific Measures for the Five-year Vision for the Future which Began in FY 2020", and strengthening University support and student support.
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2022 Academic Year SUAA Livelihood Support for Students Awarded and Report Meeting Held
On Tuesday, May 17th, a report meeting for the 2022 academic year SUAA Livelihood Support for Students was held in the Special Conference Room on the 17th floor of Building No. 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. Representing the University, Sophia University Vice President for Student and General Affairs Atsuko Nagai and Bureau of Student Affairs Director Hiromi Yanagisawa were welcomed to the event which was attended by 12 scholarship recipients (three students from the class of 2020, five students from the class of 2021, and four students from the class of 2022), SUAA President Masao Torii, and other SUAA members.
President Torii presented each scholarship recipient with a SUAA scholarship certificate and encouraging comments such as "In addition to making the most of Sophia's educational environment, keeping your study abroad program options open, I hope that you will study hard in a variety of environments.
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■上智大学通信 第461号 2022年6月6日発行
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(Japanese) https://www.sophiakai.gr.jp/news/faculty/2022/2022062101.html
■第33回九州ソフィア会 福岡大会開催についてのご案内(8/20)
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■77-43経営ソフィア会 41年振りの再会そして交流に感慨もひとしお
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■ASF2022 SPEECC「英文法祭り」開催報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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