スターバックス水口CEOの講演会に700名が 700 Attended Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi Lecture
Creating a People-centered Brand: Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi
Faculty of Economics (Keishukai) Golf Competition Held March 20th
Creating a People-centered Brand: Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi
この中で水口氏は「スターバックスのミッション"人々の心を豊かで活力あるものにするために― ひとりのお客様、一杯のコーヒ―、そしてひとつのコミュニティから"に共感しているパートナー(従業員)が多い会社だと思う」と語りました。
講演の最後に映し出された映像には、上智大学の「For Others, With Others」の文字が。この建学の精神「他者のために、他者とともに」こそが、私たちの生きる道なのだと確信させる講演でした。
Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi (1989, Faculty of Law, Department of Law) presented a lecture entitled "Connecting with People, Community, and the Earth for Meaningful Growth" on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 18:00 in Room 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya Campus and streamed online as well, which attracted a total of over 700 in-person and online participants.
In his lecture Mr. Minaguchi said, "I think Starbucks is a company with many partners (employees) who share our mission 'To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time'."
He said he joined Starbucks because "I have always wanted to create a people-centered brand. I was also impressed by the fact that the company strives to balance profit and social value, and I want to bring energy and vitality to Japan. Underlying this idea was Starbucks founder Howard Schultz's belief that "As a business leader, my quest has never been just about winning or making money. It has also been about building a great, enduring company, which has always meant striking a balance between profit and social conscience."
Starbucks does not have a customer service manual, and most of the business in Japan is delegated within Japan, furthermore, store managers are entrusted with hiring their part-time workers. The smiles that greet us and warmth we regularly feel when visiting Starbucks stores are created through the cumulative daily effort of each and every worker sharing the Starbucks mission.
Sophia University's "For Others, With Others" was seen in the video screened at the end of the lecture. We came away from the lecture with the conviction that Sophia University's founding spirit, "For Others, With Others", is the way we should live.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
Faculty of Economics (Keishukai) Golf Competition Held March 20th
Keishukai, the Sophia University Faculty of Economics Alumni Association will host its 2023 golf competition on Monday, March 20th at the Fujigaya Country Club in Kashiwa, Chiba. We are expecting four foursomes, sixteen golfers, with a play fee of 13,300 yen. A small post-round party is being planned.
Organizers commented, "Since Fujigaya Country Club has teeing areas for women and grand seniors, and golf carts are available, everyone can enjoy a relaxed round of golf. Please feel free to join us."
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ソフィア俳句会 令和五年一月例会報告
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■ニューヨークソフィア会 2023年新年会報告
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■カトリック学生の会OB/OGの集い 菅原神父叙階30周年記念ミサ
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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