春季全国代議員会は5月20日です Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held May 20th
□□= 配信数:44,626(2016年卒3,045ソフィアメールアドレスを含む)=□□
Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held May 20th
【2】ASF2017のテーマは「Diversity Sophiacity」
The ASF2017 Theme: Diversity Sophiacity
Sophia University and SUAA Cosponsored Lecture: The Charm of Haiku
held June 30th
The Department of Law Alumni Association Holds 60-year
Commemorative Event May 28th
Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held May 20th
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) will hold its 2017 Spring
Conference of National Representatives of SUAA on Saturday, May 20th at
13:00 in classroom 101 on the 1st floor of Building 6 (Sophia Tower)
on the Yotsuya Campus. In this session the issues of the lifetime
membership fee and membership qualifications, both carried over from
the Autumn Conference, as well as the new SUAA structure are expected
to come up for discussion.
Greetings from Toshiaki Koso, the Chancellor of Sophia School
Corporation, and Yoshiaki Terumichi the newly appointed Sophia
University President who both took office in April will precede the
Conference. A social gathering is scheduled at the new Sophians' Club
following the Conference.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
【2】ASF2017のテーマは「Diversity Sophiacity」
The ASF2017 Theme: Diversity Sophiacity
イベント。今年は「Diversity Sophiacity」をテーマに、さまざまなイベントが
Homecoming Day for Sophia Alumni and the All Sophians' Festival (ASF)
which includes current students, faculty and staff will be held on
Sunday, May 28th.
ASF, which attracts over 10,000 Sophians to the Yotsuya Campus, is a
major SUAA event. Various events are planned this year around the theme
of Diversity Sophiacity. Sports, culture and internationality are
examples of the diverse Sophia University cultural experiences we hope
you will enjoy once again.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
Sophia University and SUAA Cosponsored Lecture: The Charm of Haiku
held June 30th
SUAA and Sophia University will cosponsor a lecture entitled The Charm
of Haiku -HAIKU Spreads Among Young People, Senior Citizens, and Around
the World at 18:00 on Friday, June 30th, in Conference Room 1702 on the
17th floor of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus.
Sophia University Professor Emeritus and Doctor of Literature Yasuhiro
Owa will be the lecturer. While teaching at Sophia University for a
period of approximately 35 years, from 1973 to 2007, Professor Owa
appeared on the NHK Haiku television program, and is the author of
numerous writings including Bashou no Haiku Kokoromi [provisional
translation: Basho's Haiku Endeavors]. The approach of this lecture on
the charm of haiku will be from the aspects of haiku history and honor.
Following the lecture, a social gathering will be held at 19:30 in the
Faculty Cafeteria on the 5th floor of Building 2.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
The Department of Law Alumni Association Holds 60-year
Commemorative Event May 28th
法学部同窓会は5月28日のASFに合わせ、会員大会・懇親会を2号館 407号室で
In conjunction with ASF, the Department of Law Alumni Association will
hold a meeting and social gathering at 13:00 on Sunday, May 28th in
classroom 407 in Building 2. To commemorate the 60-year anniversary of
the establishment of the Department of Law, businessman Shuzo Shiota
(1991, International Legal Studies) will present a lecture on the world
of the latest graphics and animation.
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■2017年度 8月開催 教員免許状更新講習について(文部科学省 認定済)
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■上智大学通信 第416号 2017年4月28日発行
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■福岡ソフィア会 地域懇親会前夜祭のお知らせ(6/2)
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■ポルトガル語学科同窓会総会・懇親会のご案内 (5/28)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ソフィア俳句会 平成二十九年四月例会報告とお知らせ(4/27)
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■第9回 日野ソフィア会開催報告(4/15)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■日欧事情研究会 西沼氏講演会 開催報告(3/23)
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
(上智大学ソフィア会事務局 山崎渉記)
◇発行人:上智大学ソフィア会会長 上原治也
◇編集人:上智大学ソフィア会広報委員長 宍戸周夫
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