HOME > ニュース > お知らせ > 上智大学が9月期学位授与式を挙行 鳥居会長が英語で祝辞ニュース



 祝辞の中で鳥居会長はコロナ禍で思うような学生生活を送れなかった卒業生を思いやりながら、「And today, you are here for your graduation ceremony. I would like you to keep in mind that once you are in society, it will be rather exceptional to be able to live in a fully prepared environment, and often you will not have full control over what goes on. You should be proud and confident in yourselves for the unique difficulties experienced and for overcoming them, thus being able to celebrate your graduation, a milestone of your life. This experience will surely support you in the many years to come.」と、この経験がこれからきっと役に立つと卒業生を激励しました(9月期学位授与式はすべて英語で行われています)。

 「I would like to introduce the Sophia Alumni Association (Sophia-kai), Sophia University's alumni association. The two pillars of our activities are to contribute to the "development of the university and support students" and "to deepen ties among alumni." Under the Sophia Alumni Association, we have many smaller alumni groups both in Japan and overseas. Having studied under the same educational philosophy, the alumni of Sophia University share a strong bond that allows us to understand each other wherever we meet to "connect, expand and deepen Sophian bonds," as our slogan goes. Upon graduation from Sophia University, you will automatically become a member of the Sophia Alumni Association. Many faculties and departments also have their own alumni groups, so please be sure to make a web entry of your personal data as a graduate. The Sophians' Club is located on the sixth floor of Bldg. No. 6. as a place for networking among members. It is a cozy and friendly place. Please do stop by when you can.」
