春季全国代議員会を22日にオンライン配信します Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Streamed Online on the 22nd
□□==== 配信数:45,684 ====□□
Conference of National Representatives Again Held Online
Event Information: Special Lecture by Yuko Ando on June 6th
Event Information: Webinar on Olympics and Gender
Father Currie Lecture Held
Conference of National Representatives Again Held Online
The 2021 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA will be held online on Saturday, May 22nd at 14:00. This year's Conference will again be held in the same combined electronic voting and online format, and website voting by current delegates is being accepted (until May 17).
As well as new representative assembly members and newly registered organizations, the Conference of National Representatives agenda will include the 2020 Academic Year Business Report, Financial Statement, and Audit Report, the 2021 Academic Year Business Plan and Budget. The postponement of the Regional SUAA National Conference, the 2020 Shinshu Conference, for another year will also be deliberated.
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Event Information: Special Lecture by Yuko Ando on June 6th
上智大学とソフィア会は、キャスター・ジャーナリストの安藤優子さんによるZoomウエビナー特別講演会「後輩の皆さんへ ニュースの現場で働くということ(To My Joniors in Sophia― From the Field of TV News Reporting)」を6月6日(日)15:00から行います。学生時代から報道の第一線で活躍するまでのストーリをお話しいただきます。
Sophia University and SUAA will hold a Zoom webinar special lecture entitled To My Juniors in Sophia ― From the Field of TV News Reporting, presented by news anchor and journalist Yuko Ando (PhD, Graduate School of Global Studies), on Sunday, June 6th at 15:00. She will tell us about her story from when she was a student until she became active on the front line of news reporting.
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Event Information: Webinar on Olympics and Gender
上智大学 (ソフィア オリンピック・パラリンピック プロジェクト)は5月21日(金) 19:15~20:55まで、Zoom ウエビナー「オリンピックとジェンダー」を開催します(ソフィア会後援)。日本スポーツとジェンダー学会会長の來田享子中京大学教授にオリンピックムーブメントによるジェンダー平等の歩みを伺います。
Sophia University (the Sophia Olympic/Paralympic Project), with SUAA support, will hold a Zoom webinar on Olympics and Gender on Friday, May 21st, from 19:15 to 20:55. Chukyo University Professor Kyoko Raita, head of the Japan Society for Sport and Gender Studies, will talk about the history of gender equality in the Olympic Movement.
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Father Currie Lecture Held
On Thursday, April 22nd, Father William Currie presented an online talk show entitled Hope, Gratitude, and the Joy of Living. During the show, which was part of the Learning from a Former Professor lecture series co-hosted by SUAA and Sophia University, Father Currie was asked about his close relationship with Sophia University which included 23 years as a student dormitory manager, 25 years as a choir conductor and 6 years as a president.
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■新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う本学学生へのご支援 御礼と継続支援のお願い
■上智大学通信 第451号 2021年4月26日発行
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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