ガラルダ先生の講演会を11月16日に開催します Father Javier Garralda Lecture Held on November 16
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Online Lecture by Father Javier Garralda on November 16
SUAA Supports "Talk with Sophian Government Officials"
Now Accepting Written and Video-recorded Messages for ASC 2021 Prayer Time
Online Lecture by Father Javier Garralda on November 16
ソフィア会の社会貢献推進委員会は11月16日(火)19:00から、オンライン講演会「ガラルダ先生から学ぶ社会貢献について~忍耐と謙虚な気持ち~」を行います。今年90歳 (卒寿)になられたハビエル・ガラルダ先生に大学勤務時代の「社会貢献」をはじめ、現在の活動、特にPET(Philippines Experience Tour)と教誨師(きょうかいし)としての活動についてお話ししていただく予定です。
ガラルダ先生は元上智社会福祉専門学校長で、現在は上智大学名誉教授。ご興味のある方どなたでもYouTube Live配信でご参加いただけます。また現在、事前質問を受け付けています。 info@sophiakai.gr.jp までご連絡ください。
The Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) Social Contribution Committee will hold an online lecture, entitled 'Learning about Social Contributions from Father Garralda - Patience and Humility', on Tuesday, November 16 at 19:00. Father Garralda, who celebrated his 90th birthday this year, plans to talk about social contribution he made during his university days as well as his current activities, especially connected with the PET (Philippine Experience Tour) and as a chaplain.
Father Garralda is a former principal of the Sophia School of Social Welfare and is currently a Sophia University professor emeritus. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join us via YouTube Live streaming. We are also currently accepting questions in advance at info@sophiakai.gr.jp.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
SUAA Supports "Talk with Sophian Government Officials"
SUAA is supporting "Talk with Sophian Government Officials: Upper Classmen Active in Japan and Around the Globe", held online via Zoom from 18:30 to 21:00 on Monday, October 25 by the Sophia Institute of International Relations.
The event will feature lectures by former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the US Ichiro Fujisaki,
(former Sophia University Distinguished Professor and Chairman of International Strategies), Director of the Sophia Institute of International Relations Tadashi Anno, Tohoku University School of Law Professor Jun Imanishi (former Minister's Secretariat,
Principal Deputy Chief of Protocol; '93, Faculty of Law, Department of Law) and also report on success stories of those who have passed the national civil service examination and have been offered national government positions.
The event is open to Sophia University students as well as graduates who are interested in taking on the challenge of becoming diplomats, national or local government officials. Support for this event is based on making contributions to our alma mater as well as strengthening and expanding support for current Sophia University students and supporting career development for dynamic personnel in international society, as outlined in the SUAA Vision for the Future.
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Now Accepting Written and Video-recorded Messages for ASC 2021 Prayer Time
All Sophians' Christmas (ASC) 2021 will be held at 19:00 on Friday, December 10th. The ASC 2021 Executive Committee is looking for written and video messages for Prayer time, the first part of the on-line Christmas ceremony.
Prayer time will include a Christmas message by Father Yuji Sugawara and a joint prayer. The committee welcomes you to "Put your joys and sorrows, worries and hopes about yourself, family or friends into a short prayer and send it to us. It will be included in the first part of the on-line Christmas ceremony led by Father Sugawara."
Wednesday, October 27th is the deadline for requests. Prayer time will be broadcast live during ASC 2021, and will be archived on YouTube.
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■英文広報誌 SOPHIA magazine第12号を発行しました
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■上智大学法学部同窓会主催 第11回「俳句講座」のお知らせ
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ポルトガル語学科同窓会Webinar 世界の卒業生と繋がろう!日本よりBoa Noite!(11月3日(水・祝))
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ポルトガル語学科同窓会Webinar 世界の卒業生と繋がろう!ニューヨークよりBoa Noite! 開催報告
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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