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Webで会務報告を行いました The Sophia Alumni Affairs Report Has Been Posted Online



□□==== 配信数:45,822 ====□□


The Sophia Alumni Affairs Report ? in Lieu of Presentation at the Sophia Alumni Meeting
Online Talk Show: Listening to Your Inner Voice When Photographing, Held July 19
【3】アジア地区の「Sophia Global Cafe」を開催
Sophia Global Cafe for SUAA Regional Chapters in Asia was Held


he Sophia Alumni Affairs Report ? in Lieu of Presentation at the Sophia Alumni Meeting

これは、会長が春季全国代議員会で述べた内容が骨子となっており、「ソフィア会運営方針」では「効率的な会の運営及び身の丈にあった範囲での確実な活動を心がけます」など、鳥居体制の基本姿勢を示しています。「2020年度を振り返って」では、「Net de ASF」など、多くのイベントをオンラインに切り替えたことで海外からの参加も可能にするなど、そのメリットも強調。

Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) Regulations stipulate that "the SUAA President shall report on Sophia alumni affairs at the Sophia Alumni Meeting" (Article 21), and as the highest decision-making body, the Sophia Alumni Meeting has been regarded is an important business meeting. However, since the currently persistent COVID-19 outbreak has made it difficult to hold the Sophia Alumni Meeting in person, Article 20 of the Regulations has swiftly been amended to include "the Sophia Alumni Affairs Report may be posted on the website in lieu of being presented at the Sophia Alumni Meeting", and this year, this option is being implemented.
The source of this modification is a statement made by the SUAA President at the 2021 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA, and SUAA Management Policy indicates fundamental Torii administration stances such as "We are striving to efficiently manage SUAA and reliably conduct activities within suitable scopes".
Under the 2020 Academic Year Review heading, SUAA President Masao Torii emphasized that a benefit of switching many events, such as the Net de ASF, to online formats included enabling participation from overseas.
Under the Towards the 2021 Academic Year heading, the report mentions strengthening the alumni network,
particularly the overseas SUAA chapters, and taking advantage of online as well as hybrid in-person-virtual event settings to increase participatory opportunities for members living in distant places, including overseas.

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Online Talk Show: Listening to Your Inner Voice When Photographing, Held July 19

ソフィア会は7月19日(月)18:00から19:30まで、 ミラノ在住のフォトグラファー仁木岳彦氏(1994文新)のオンライントークショー「内なる声を聴き"撮る"」を開催します。

On Monday, July 19th from 18:00 to 19:30, SUAA will hold an online talk show entitled Listening to Your Inner Voice When Photographing presented by Milan-based photographer Takehiko Niki (1994 Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism).
Mr. Niki moved to New York immediately after graduation to become a professional photographer. He currently lives in Milan.
During the event, he will talk about why he lives in Milan and the appeal of working in photography.

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【3】アジア地区の「Sophia Global Cafe」を開催
Sophia Global Cafe for SUAA Regional Chapters in Asia was Held

ソフィア会国際委員会では、5月の米州地区海外ソフィア会のzoomミーティングに引き続き、6月26日に鳥居ソフィア会会長の参加も得てアジア地区のSophia Global Cafeを開催。参加地域はシンガポール、ジャカルタ、カンボジア、ベトナム、バンコクでした。

Following the Zoom meeting held for overseas SUAA regional chapters in the Americas that was held by the SUAA International Committee in May, SUAA President Masao Torii participated in the Sophia Global Cafe held on Saturday, June 26th for regional chapters in Asia. The Singapore, Jakarta, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Bangkok regional chapters participated.
Many people are transferred, such as for corporate relocation, within regional chapters in Asia. Mutually known Sophians were mentioned by name, and the relaxed atmosphere throughout the event allowed people to share the activity situations and information in each area. Just as was the case for the regional chapters in the Americas, Sophians built 'horizontal connections'.

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■SPEECC Zoomミーティング: ASF振り返り会報告
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■Webinar 世界の卒業生と繋がろう!モザンビークよりBoa tarde! (7/22)
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。


◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会



