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真夏を思わせる太陽の元、ASF2019開催 ASF 2019 Held on a Sunny, Summer-like Day


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ASF Held amid Special Security Control
2019 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA
Professor Donal Doyle Lecture "Looking Back over Sixty Years" Held


ASF Held amid Special Security Control


The All-Sophians' Festival (ASF) was primarily held on the Yotsuya Campus Sunday, May 26th, which was a su nny, summer-like day.
The previous day, President Trump arrived in Japan and special security controls were enforced around the Yots uya area. Nonetheless, Sophians and their families visited their alma mater one after another, and the cheer of r ekindled friendships were heard everywhere.

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2019 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA

ソフィア会は5月18日(土)午後2時から、学内6号館1階の101教室において2019年ソフィア会春季全国代議員会を開 催しました。
戸川宏一会長、来賓としてお招きした佐久間勤上智学院理事長、曄道佳明上智大学長の挨拶に続いて審議に。今 回の柱はソフィア会の今後の方向性を定め、それを実現するための具体的施策を示す「将来ビジョン」。代議員から の意見、質問を経て拍手で承認されました。
続いて2018年度事業報告、決算報告及び監査報告、2019年度事業計画および予算などを審議、これも拍手で承認 されました。その後各活動の報告が行われ、議事は予定時間を30分ほど超過して終了。2号館5階に会場を移し、懇 親会が行われました。

Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) held the Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA on Saturday, May 18th in classroom 101 on the first floor of Building 6 (Sophia Tower) on the Yotsuya Campus.
Deliberation of the agenda followed greetings from SUAA President Koichi Tagawa, and invited guests Sophia S chool Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma and Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi. The principa l item on the conference agenda was defining the future role of SUAA and a Vision for the Future with concrete measures for implementation. After delegate opinions were heard and questions were answered the measure wa s approved by applause.
The 2018 Academic Year Business Report, Financial Statement and Audit Report, and the 2019 Academic Year Business Plan and Budget and the like were deliberated and also approved by applause. Next, reports on respec tive activities were presented. The Conference ended some thirty minutes past the allotted time frame. A social gathering was held in the Student Cafeteria on the 5th floor of Building 2 after the Conference.

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Professor Donal Doyle Lecture "Looking Back over Sixty Years" Held

4月26日(金)、2号館17階でドナル・ドイル先生の講演会が開かれました。テーマは「ドイル先生、六十年をふりかえ る」。
「神父様、日本に来てどれくらいですか? 60年ですよ、というと、次にはこうです。どうして日本にいらっしゃったんで すか? 私はいつもこう答えます。あなたに会うために来ました」
ドイル先生はこの日のために準備したたくさんの写真を紹介しながらお話を。先生の今日まで88年の人生にはさまざ まな方との温かくも真剣な交流がぎっしりと詰まり、それがすべて、あの穏やかで優しい笑顔と握手に集約されてい ることが分かった講演会でした。

Professor Doyle's lecture was held on Friday, April 26th on the 17th floor of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus.
The title was "Professor Doyle Looks Back over Sixty Years".
Following greetings from Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma and SUAA President Koichi To gawa, Professor Doyle took the stage and spoke as follows.
"To the question 'Father, how long have you been in Japan?' and when I reply, 'Sixty years' I am then asked ' Why did you come to Japan?' I always answer, 'I came to meet you.'"
As he spoke, Professor Doyle shared numerous photographs that he had prepared for this lecture. To date, Profe ssor Doyle's 88-year-long life has been packed with warm, thoughtful exchanges with a variety of individuals, a nd this lecture taught us that his gentle smiles and handshakes are the sum of all those exchanges.

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 Washington DC Sophia Chapter: Happy Hour Social/Farewell Party for Exchange Students
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◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会

