One More Christmas Party for Families in December
□□==== 配信数:50,379 ====□□
【1】第2回「子育てを語ろう by Sophians」を開催―12/11
The 2nd "Let's Talk about Raising Children, by Sophians" Event Held December 11
Welcome New Alumni - 2022 Sophia Festival
【1】第2回「子育てを語ろう by Sophians」を開催―12/11
The 2nd "Let's Talk about Raising Children, by Sophians" Event Held December 11
12月11日(日)11時から、ソフィアンズクラブ会議室およびオンラインで子供や家族と一緒に参加できるファミリー向けクリスマス会「子育てを語ろう by Sophians」を行います。
On Sunday, December 11th, at 11:00, we will hold Let's Talk about Raising Children by Sophians, a family-oriented Christmas party that can be attended with your children and family, either in person in the Sophians Club Meeting Room, or online.
The plan is to discuss the joys, concerns, and raising children among Sophians in a secure atmosphere. Marie Akisawa (1993, Faculty of Comparative Culture, Department of Japanese Language and Culture), a registered dietitian, licensed cook, healthy cooking expert, and inner beauty specialist, will give a mini seminar on how to get through winter in good health.
The target audience is Sophia graduates who are pregnant, rearing children, or who simply adore children. This will be streamed online, but only about the first ten families to register will be able to participate in the Sophians Club party. The event is free of charge.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
Welcome New Alumni - 2022 Sophia Festival
From Tuesday, November 1st to Friday, November 4th, our school festival, the Sophia Festival, will be held in-person on the Yotsuya Campus for the first time in three years.
The 2022 Sophia Festival theme is WITH. By this, the organizers stated, "'Together with' many Sophia University students, alumni attending the festival, guests and those with no previous connection to the University, as well as with future Sophia University students, we hope to liven up the Sophia Festival." Alumni are also most welcome.
No reservations to attend the festival are required, and everyone is welcome to come. Please note however, that since there may be some events requiring prior registration, please check about the event you hope to participate in, through the SNS of its organizers for example.
The Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) office will be closed from Tuesday, November 1st to Thursday, November 3rd while the Sophia Festival is being held. The Sophians Club will also temporarily be closed from Wednesday, November 2nd to Friday, November 4th.
November 1st is the anniversary of Sophia University's founding, and a Memorial Mass for
the First Founders will be held in the Main Chapel of St. Ignatius Church that day (registration has closed).
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■オンライン Zoomウェビナー:アジア人材養成研究センター創立25周年記念
ソフィアシンポジウム 第2回水利都市 国際シンポジウム
「カンボジア・アンコール王朝の水利都市とアンコール・ワット建立」 開催のご案内(11/5)
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■2022年上智大学理工学部同窓会 会員大会開催のお知らせ(11/19)
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■ポルトガル語学科同窓会 オンラン上映会 オキナワサントス「日系移民強制退去事件に迫る」(11/13)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■鹿児島ソフィア会 2022年度定期総会・懇親会開催報告(10/15)
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■NEC宇宙ソフィア会 メンバーにて駅伝大会に出場(10/2)
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■上智不動産ソフィア会 2022年秋の懇親イベント「四谷ぶらぶら散歩」(10/1)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ソフィア俳句会 令和四年九月例会報告
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■サンティアゴ・ソフィア会 コロナ後開催第三弾(9/9)
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■コムソフィア賞 授賞式と記念講演会 申込受付中(11/15)
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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