[Customary] Top Ten SUAA News Items
□□==== 配信数:50,380 ====□□
Did ASF Attract the Most Attention Again This Year as Expected, or . . .
Presenting Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi Will Appear at the Hear From Management Lecture Series
【3】QS Global Employer Surveyへのご協力のお願い
QS Global Employer Survey Cooperation Request
SOPHIANS NOW Autumn Edition Published
Did ASF Attract the Most Attention Again This Year as Expected, or . . .
This is the season to present our customary year-end Top Ten News Items. Again this year, how many times Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) website, or homepage, pages were accessed was tallied through the end of November, and with that as the base, the level interest in SUAA events throughout the year was explored.
Although in recent years ASF has been at the top of the list, with the return of various in-person events this autumn, and it seems that this year interest in the 11th Regional SUAA National Conference, the Shinshu Conference also seemed to be high.
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Presenting Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi Will Appear at the Hear From Management Lecture Series
「経営者に聴く」シリーズの新年を飾る講演会として、2023年1月31日(火)18時からスターバックス コーヒー ジャパンのCEO、水口貴文さん(1989法法)の「共感を生み、愛され続けるブランドを目指して」を開催します。
スターバックスは日本上陸から25年が過ぎ、全国1,700店舗を超える規模へ成長。「人々の心を豊かで活力あるものにするために- ひとりのお客様、一杯のコーヒー、そしてひとつのコミュニティから」をミッションに、人・社会、地球環境、地域への貢献を大切にしながら、意義ある成長のためさまざまなチャレンジを続けています。
To welcome in the New Year, Starbucks Japan CEO Takafumi Minaguchi (1989, Faculty of Law, Department of Law) will present a lecture entitled Toward a Brand that Generates Empathy and that Continues to be Loved in the Hear From Management Lecture Series on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 18:00.
In the twenty-five years since Starbucks came to Japan, the company has grown to have over 1,700 stores nationwide. With its mission, "To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time", Starbucks continues to place importance on impacting people and society, the global environment, and communities, as it pursues various challenges to achieve meaningful growth.
The lecture will be held in Room 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya Campus, and will be streamed online as well. The registration deadline for both in-person participation and online viewing is Monday, January 23rd.
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【3】QS Global Employer Surveyへのご協力のお願い
QS Global Employer Survey Cooperation Request
QS世界大学ランキングは、イギリスの大学評価機関のであるクアクアレリ・シモンズ(QS)が毎年9月に公表している世界の大学ランキング。ソフィア会は上智大学が「世界に並び立つ大学」を目指すにあたって、QS世界大学ランキングのためのQS Global Employer Surveyへ協力することを決めました。ご協力いただける方は趣旨を理解の上、下記URLのフォームに入力をお願いします。
At Sophia University's request, SUAA will again this year cooperatively participate in the annual QS Global Employer Survey, a survey for ranking universities around the world.
QS World University Rankings is published annually in September by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British organization that evaluates universities. SUAA has decided to participate in the QS Global Employer Survey because Sophia University aims to be recognized as a world class university. We hope alumni who would like to participate will understand this purpose and complete the form accessed from the link below.
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SOPHIANS NOW Autumn Edition Publishedt
The most recent edition of SOPHIANS NOW, the Autumn Edition, Issue No. 192, has been published. This issue contains reports on the Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony to commemorate Sophians who have made great contributions to SUAA activities; the Regional SUAA National Conference, the Shinshu Conference, which was held for the first time in four years; and accounts from ASF held at the end of May. The regular Hiroba forum section includes regional SUAA group events from around the world. In addition to the hard copies being sent by postal mail, the publication can also be read online at the following link.
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■ソフィア・アーカイブズ ブックレット3
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■NEC宇宙ソフィア会 3年ぶりの懇親会(11/18)
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■埼玉西部ソフィア会 2022年度総会開催報告(11/13)
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■ベルギー・ソフィア会 開催報告(11/12)
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■金祝燦燦会の執行部が刷新されました ー ニューズレター第6号にて発表
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12月24日(土)~ 2023年1月4日(水)閉室します。
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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