コロナ対策のキーワードは「Sophia New Normal」 Sophia New Normal is our COVID-19 Response Keyword
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Sophia School Corporation and Sophia University COVID-19 Outbreak Initiatives
Special Online Lecture by Yuko Ando Was Held
Please Update Your Contact Information
Sophia School Corporation and Sophia University COVID-19 Outbreak Initiatives
また上智大学は、学生、教職員などすべての構成員の安心安全を守るため、そしてコロナ禍でもキャンパスでの活動を止めないため、新しいキャンパスルールとして「Sophia New Normal(SNN)」を策定。四谷キャンパスでは、教職員によるSNN プロジェクトチームが中心となり、本活動を周知するポスターを学内各所に掲示するなど、その徹底を図っています。ソフィア会の支援もさらに求められます。
Sophia School Corporation and Sophia University initiatives addressing the COVID-19 outbreak have been uploaded to the web. During this academic year, as the persisting COVID-19 outbreak has left students attending the seven Corporation schools struggling economically, the Sophia School Corporation has provided approximately 450 million yen in financial support for students, and invested approximately 440 million yen in online classes, bringing the total amount of support to approximately 890 million yen. This amount includes over 100 million yen in contributions made by Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA), as well as other supporters and donors.
Sophia University has also established a new campus rule, Sophia New Normal (SNN), to protect the safety and security of all its constituents, which includes students, faculty and staff, and to ensure that the COVID-19 outbreak does not put a stop to activities on campus. On the Yotsuya Campus, an SNN project team made up of faculty and staff members is heading the promotion of this measure by posting posters around the campus. Further SUAA support has also been requested.
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Special Online Lecture by Yuko Ando Was Held
On Sunday, June 6th from 15:00, Sophia University and SUAA held an online lecture entitled From the Field of TV News Reporting presented by Yuko Ando. The event was attended by 862 people including students, their parents and guardians, faculty and staff members, and alumni. Questions were welcomed prior to the event, and the 230 inquiries received indicated a high level of interest.
The lecture started off with three student participants. Ms. Ando began with stating that there were two things she wanted to tell everyone. She then spoke about working women and what journalism is. In turn, questions the students enthusiastically posed included: What do you keep in mind when covering VIPs? What is the most important skill for a journalist to have? What will the role of television be in the future? and What about making a scoop?
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Please Update Your Contact Information
Alumni contact information can always be updated on the SUAA website. Registering your address allows us to send printed copies of SOPHIANS NOW, the SUAA bulletin, to you anywhere around the world. This e-mail newsletter, which keeps you up-to-date on the latest Sophia University and SUAA information, is also sent to registered e-mail addresses twice a month.
Mailing and email addresses bridge you with your alma mater. We hope you will keep yours updated.
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■法学部同窓会セミナーシリーズ第17回"法と実務の最前線" (7/27)
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■ポルトガル語学科同窓会 留学生とのオンライン交流会(7/9-11)
Online event:Bate-papo with Exchange students
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■ハワイ・ソフィア会 Zoomで初開催!
Hawaii Sophiakai via Zoom
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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