学生支援で課外活動支援金を贈呈 Extracurricular Student Activity Funds Awarded
□□==== 配信数:42,857 ====□□
1.3 Million Yen in Extracurricular Student Activity Funds Awarded (Second Semester Additional Support)
Report on "Talk with Sophia University Alumni with Overseas Experience"
Calling for Videos for "Sing our School Song at ASF!"
1.3 Million Yen in Extracurricular Student Activity Funds Awarded (Second Semester Additional Support)
On Tuesday, March 16th, from 15:00, in the Sophians Club on the Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) presented three student organizations with Additional Extracurricular Student Activity Funds (for the second semester). The funds were presented to the following three organizations: the Association of Athletic Clubs, 900,000 yen (representing 41 groups / 1,357 students); the Music Activities Committee, 300,000 yen (representing 10 groups / 446 students); and the Theatrical Activities Committee, 100,000 yen (representing 6 groups / 99 students). Among the officials attending the event, Director of the Center for Student Affairs Shintaro Fukutake representing the university and, President Masao Torii representing SUAA, presented certificates to representatives of the three organizations.
Faced with potential inactivity induced by the COVID-19 outbreak, these three award-winning organizations have been striving to continuously maintain and coordinate activities for all the groups they oversee, and have worked hard to ensure that extracurricular activities can continue.
Because the SUAA Extracurricular Student Activity Funds are a major SUAA initiative for "contributing to the University", 10 million yen has been allocated for the FY2020 budget. SUAA previously presented 6 million yen to 41 athletic groups and 2,699,000 yen to 23 cultural groups on Sunday, December 13th last year.
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Report on "Talk with Sophia University Alumni with Overseas Experience"
On Friday, March 19th, from 19:00 SUAA held an online Zoom lecture for currently enrolled students. This event was primarily planned by students on the Sophia Alumni Association International Committee (sponsored by the Center for Global Discovery) with the aim of providing students some relief from being cooped up during the COVID-19 outbreak through the opportunity to speak with alumni who have studied abroad overseas.
Themes discussed during the event included 'when I was a student' and 'as for my current job'. Alumni working for government agencies, foreign-backed consulting firms, and major corporations talked about what they wish they had done when they were students, what made them decide to go abroad, and how their current jobs are internationally connected.
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Calling for Videos for "Sing our School Song at ASF!"
ASF公式Facebook https://www.facebook.com/allsophiansfestival
We have good news for everyone who wants to sing our school song once a year. The ASF 2021 Executive Committee is looking for videos of Sophians singing our school song!
Plans are to show the videos we have received on Sunday, May 30th at ASF 2021. We welcome submissions from as many of you as possible.
ASF Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/allsophiansfestival
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