秋季全国代議員会は今回もオンラインで Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA to be Held on Online
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Web-based Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held October 16
ASC will be held online again this year on December 10
Sophia University Autumn Semester Graduation Ceremony Held
Web-based Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held October 16
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) will hold the 2021 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA at 14:00 on Saturday, October 16th. Due to the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, the conference will again be held online, and deliberation will be determined by web-based balloting prior to the event. Some delegates will receive agenda materials in advance and vote through the postal service.
In addition to approving new delegates and new registered organizations, another item on the agenda open for deliberation is emergency assistance to our alma mater for the continuing COVID-19 outbreak. A report will also be given on the call for prospective honoree candidate nominations in order to recognize those who have made contributions to SUAA.
ASC will be held online again this year on December 10
Activities have already started for the All Sophians' Christmas (ASC) 2021 to be held on Friday, December 10th. Emiko Kakimoto (2017, M.A. in Psychology, Graduate School of Human Sciences) has been appointed as the Executive Committee chairperson and event content is now open for discussion.
This will be the 14th ASC. Although beginning with the first event, ASC was held in the Active Commons on the Yotsuya Campus (the former Cafeteria in the basement of Building 9), following last year's event, it will again be held online this year.
What kind of event will ASC be this year? And what will the content be? We are now looking for Executive Committee members who will decide all of this.
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Sophia University Autumn Semester Graduation Ceremony Held
Sophia University held the Autumn Semester Graduation Ceremony on Friday, September 17th, at 10:00 in classroom 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya Campus. Due to the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, only graduates, speakers, and attendees were admitted to the ceremony, which was live streamed on YouTube for parents, guarantors, and others.
The ceremony was conducted entirely in English, and following a blessing by Fr.Juan Haidar, SJ, Deputy Director of the Catholic Jesuit Center, and a ceremonial address by Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi, graduate and undergraduate degree diplomas were awarded to representatives. The congratulatory address by Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma was followed by a congratulatory speech by SUAA President Masao Torii, who advocated, "SUAA has 140,000 members and the Sophian network connects the world. I hope you will become a member of this network of Sophians after graduation."
When the ceremony was over, diplomas were distributed to each student in departmental meetings held by each Faculty and Graduate School.
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和三年八月例会(メール句会)報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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