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今年は、学位授与式も入学式も対面で This Year's Graduation and Entrance Ceremonies Held in Person



□□==== 配信数:45,770 ====□□


There Are Also Many New Graduates in the Sophians Club
2021 Sophians' Cup Golf Tournament Held September 6th
Kinshuku-Sansan-Kai Receives the First Award Commemorating the Visit of Pope Francis


There Are Also Many New Graduates in the Sophians Club


The 2020 Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday, March 26th at 9:30 in Hall A at the Tokyo International Forum. Following addresses from Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi and Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma on stage, Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) President Masao Torii said, "Looking around the world, we find a mountain of challenges. Following precedents is no longer the way to proceed. There is no longer a right answer. The answer is to follow your own convictions. I hope you will make the most of what you have learned at Sophia University." SUAA welcomed 162 new graduates at the Sophians Club Open House which was held in conjunction with the Graduation Ceremony.
Then on April 1st, the 2021 Entrance Ceremony was also held at the Tokyo International Forum. And this year the 2020 Entrance Ceremony, which could not be held last year, was held for upcoming second-year students in classroom 101 in Building 6 (Sophia Tower) on the Yotsuya Campus. Although arrangements initially involved holding four sessions, the number wishing to participate ultimately required six sessions. Wide media coverage of this event included newspapers and television.

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2021 Sophians' Cup Golf Tournament Held September 6th


SUAA will hold the 26th annual Sophians' Cup Golf Tournament on Monday, September 6 at Shonan Country Club in Chigasaki, Kanagawa. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, again this year neither a social gathering nor an award ceremony will be held, so the event will consist only of the round of golf.

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Kinshuku-Sansan-Kai Receives the First Award Commemorating the Visit of Pope Francis


The SUAA Kinshuku-Sansan-Kai received the First Award Commemorating the Visit of Pope Francis, newly established by the Sophia School Corporation, and the award ceremony was held on March 25 in the International Conference Room on the 17th floor of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. This is based on the "Fund Commemorating the Visit of Pope Francis" established by the Sophia School Corporation to sustain the commemoration of His Holiness Pope Francis' November 26, 2019 visit. The purpose of the fund is to strengthen support for educational, research, and student activities that focus on various issues Pope Francis' addressed in his message, including poverty and the socially vulnerable, the realization of a multicultural society, and global environmental issues.
The Kinshuku-Sansan-Kai focuses its activities on the support and exchange of international students, and has enjoyed high recognition for Japanese speech contests held for international students and for subsidizing 50-year Gold Anniversary celebrations.

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■公式キャラクター ソフィアンくんのLINEスタンプを発売開始

■Sophia New Normal 上智大学の新しい日常


■デュッセルドルフ・ソフィア会 カルチャーカフェ講演会
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◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会


