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SUAA Supports International Students from Ukraine



□□==== 配信数:50,067 ====□□


 Yukatas Presented on Yukata Day
 Welcome Message from the Shinshu Conference Host


 Yukatas Presented on Yukata Day


One way Sophia University has been showing support for Ukraine has been to accept international students from Ukraine, and the Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) has also begun supporting Ukraine in a variety of ways.
As a first step, the SUAA International Committee presented yukata to Ukrainian students in conjunction with Yukata Day which was held on campus on July 8. On the day of the event, a professional dressed the students in yukata and they enjoyed Sophia's Yukata Day dressed beautifully in yukata.
These students, fleeing from the war and hoping to continue their studies in Japan, arrived in late June. After the required quarantine period, they moved into various student dormitories, including Soshigaya International House, on July 1. With our hope support them as much as possible, SUAA first of all gave them a yukata set so that they could participate in Sophia's Yukata Day summer tradition.
SUAA President Masao Torii and International Committee members presented the yukata to the students in a classroom where their orientation was being held on the first day of school, July 4th. Handmade cards with, "Welcome to Sophia University. We are glad to meet you," written with the Cyrillic alphabet on mozoshi imitation Japanese vellum, and Tanabata star festival decorations expressed our warm welcome in a typical SUAA style.
Sophia University has accepted 10 Ukrainian students to begin their studies in July, and after they take the short-term program Summer Session Japanese language classes for international students that began on July 5th, the plan is for them to take classes offered in English and classes for learning the Japanese language in the Autumn Semester.
Striving to alleviate anxiety about their futures, the University will provide entrance and transfer examination information to students wishing to continue their studies at Sophia beyond the Spring Semester in 2023. In line with this, SUAA will also provide various kinds of support.

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 Welcome Message from the Shinshu Conference Host

第11回地域ソフィア会全国大会 「2022信州大会」は 9月24日(土)~25日(日) にわたって行われますが、ホスト・ソフィア会であるアルプス・ソフィア会の山崎良弘(1978外西)会長が歓迎メッセージを寄せています。

The 11th Regional SUAA National Conference, the 2022 Shinshu Conference, hosted by the Alps SUAA, will be held on September 24(Sat.)-25(Sun.), and the Alps SUAA President, Yoshihiro Yamazaki (1978, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of Hispanic Studies), has sent a welcome message.
I am extremely pleased to hold the Regional SUAA National Conference here in Japan for the first time in four years, in the rich natural environment of Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, at the foot of the Northern Alps. Matsumoto is the capital for three areas named with terms containing GAKU: sanGAKU [mountains], GAKUmon [education], and onGAKU [music]. History, tradition and new culture thrive around our national treasure, Matsumoto Castle. The commemorative speeches, reception party, after-party, and excursion on the following day have been planned and will be presented in a manner unique to Sophia and Matsumoto, Shinshu. Our co-hosts, Chikuma-gawa SUAA and Yamanashi SUAA are joining forces with us in preparing to make this a memorable conference for all participants.

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■ポルトガル語学科同窓会 オンライン上映会
『赤い大地の仲間たち フマニタス25年の歩み』(8/7)
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■法学部同窓会 ゴルフ会のお知らせ(9/28)
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■心理学科同窓会 山中祥男先生 瑞宝小綬章受章祝賀会のご案内(10/1)
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■英文学科同窓会 会員大会・講演会・懇親会報告
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■ソフィア俳句会 令和四年六月例会報告
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■和4年度 上智大学体育会OB総会が3年ぶりに開催
~令和3年度ソフィアスポーツ大賞 最優秀クラブ賞はサッカー部に!~
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◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会


