The Cumsophia Prize Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held
□□==== 配信数:50,391 ====□□
The 31st Cumsophia Prize Awarded to Rev. Toshiaki Koso
Anniversary Ceremonies Held Saturday, February 25
ASC is in Two Weeks!
The 31st Cumsophia Prize Awarded to Rev. Toshiaki Koso
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) and Cumsophia, with support from Sophia University, jointly held the 31st Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech on Tuesday, November 15th at 18:00 in the International Conference Room on the 17th floor of Building No. 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. It was the first time in three years for the event to be held in person, and the number of people in attendance was greater than the number of seats that had been prepared with social distancing in mind, so seats were hastily set up in the side aisles and in the back of the large International Conference Room.
This year's Cumsophia Award was given to Rev. Koso, the editor of Hidden Kirishitan of Japan Illustrated, which took five years to complete and which was published last year. At the award ceremony, Rev. Koso described how the Hidden Kirishitan of Japan Illustrated project was launched, and introduced the teachers who were involved in its compilation. Although during the lecture he said "I can only present about 5% of the illustrations," we were able to hear valuable stories and view material.
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Anniversary Ceremonies Held Saturday, February 25
Each of the commemorative University-sponsored Anniversary Ceremony celebrations that have been postponed, such as the Gold Anniversary for alumni graduating 50 years ago, will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023.
Those participating in the event that day will be presented with a congratulatory letter from the University. Please take this opportunity to come back and visit our alma mater. Invitations to the event will be sent to Anniversary Ceremony honoree alumni whose addresses are known.
Further information concerning Ceremony details and event registration will be announced via postcard and posted on the SUAA website.
ASC is in Two Weeks!
We are now two weeks away from this year's All Sophians' Christmas (ASC), which will be held on Friday, December 9th. This year's event will be held online and in person in the Active Commons located on the B1 level of Building 9 on the Yotsuya Campus.
As is customary, the first part, the Christmas Inori prayer time, will be held at 18:30 and the second part, the Christmas Tsudoi gathering, will be held at 19:00. Reservations are required for participation in the Active Commons event. To register, please use the link below.
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■法学部同窓会主催 第21回セミナー「法と実務の最前線」のご案内(11/30)
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■2022年度金祝燦燦会 留学生夢支援懸賞論文奨学金の授与式と発表会(11/25)
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■板橋ソフィア会 第28回総会のメールによる開催(11/30)
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■アムステルダム・ソフィア会 懇親会報告(10/30)
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■とかち帯広ソフィア会 総会開催(10/29)
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■とかち帯広ソフィア会 ゴルフコンペ開催(9/23)
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■上智大学学長 曄道佳明先生アイルランド来訪
Welcomed in Dublin Professor Yoshiaki Terumichi, President of Sophia University
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和四年十月例会報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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