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コロナ学生支援募金にご協力ありがとうございます Your Corona-related Student Support Contributions Are Appreciated



□□==== 配信数:41,324 ====□□


291 Donations, 12.6 Million Yen, Raised for COVID-19-related Student Support (as of June 11th)
SOPHIANS NOW No. 187 Published
Online SUAA Apparent in Various Locations


291 Donations, 12.6 Million Yen, Raised for COVID-19-related Student Support (as of June 11th)

ソフィア会の「新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大に伴う学生支援募金」は、6月11日現在で卒業生合計291件、 12,599,641円に達しました。この中には100万円以上の多額なご寄付を2団体からいただいています。 また、この数字はWebおよび郵便局経由の募金を集計したもので、銀行振り込みデータは含まれていません。
ソフィア会はさらなる学生支援を計画しています。引き続き会員のみなさま、そして登録団体のみなさまにも学生支援に力をお貸しいただきたくお願いします。 The Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) Fund-Raising Campaign for Student Support in the Wake of the COVID-19 Outbreak has received 291 donations, totaling 12,599,641 yen as of June 11th. Of this amount, major contributions exceeding 1 million yen were made by two organizations. The announced amount reflects contributions made only over the internet and through the postal service mail; it does not include amounts contributed through banks.
SUAA is planning further student support. We hope all members and registered organizations will continue to support our students.

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SOPHIANS NOW No. 187 Published

今回は、今年形を変えて行ったオールソフィアンのつどい(ASF)である「Net de ASF」を特集の形で紹介。新しい試みでしたが、世界で延べ12,000人が視聴するという大ヒット企画となりました。その他の記事もコロナ禍で揺れ動いたソフィア会、上智大学の現状を紹介するものが多くを占めています。

The SUAA bulletin, SOPHIANS NOW, which was delayed by COVID-19 has at long last been published. The digital edition is available for reading on the SUAA website. Those of you on our mailing list should expect to receive your printed copy of SOPHIANS NOW around the beginning of July.
The special feature in this issue covers the All Sophians'Festival (ASF) which was held in the "Net de ASF 2020" format this year. Although the event took place with that new format, it connected approximately 12,000 people throughout the world and was an enormous hit. Other articles deal with how SUAA and Sophia University have been affected by the COVID-19 disaster.

詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

Online SUAA Apparent in Various Locations

海外ソフィア会ではUAEソフィア会、ベルギー・ソフィア会、ニューヨーク・ソフィア会など。国内でも国際委員会が留学生を結ぶ「Chatでつながろう!」を開催、今後定期的に行うことにしているほか、SNSソフィア会はオンラインのオフ会を行いました。ASFのオンライン版であるNet de ASFが成功したこともあり、今後もこうした取り組みが増えていくことが予想されます。

Online SUAA chapter meetings, which are one way to realize the core SUAA aim of "building strong ties among members", are being held in various areas.
Some of the overseas SUAA chapters such as the UAE, Belgium, and New York have also held their meetings online. Here in Japan, in addition to the "Connect with Chat!" function set up by the SUAA International Committee for international students, and holding regular meetings online in the future, the SNS Sophia-kai Chapter even holds informal time-off gatherings online. Since the ASF held in the "Net de ASF 2020" format was a success, we can also expect that this format will be incorporated more from here on out.

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■第56回NYソフィア会 ZOOM総会(5/29)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■ソフィア俳句会 令和二年五月例会(メール句会)報告
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■中野ソフィア会: コロナ禍対策でマスク頒布をいたしました
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)



更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたし ます。


◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会


