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ソフィア会、秋のスケジュールは? What is on SUAA's Autumn Schedule?



□□==== 配信数:42,801 ====□□


Gold, Ruby, Silver and Bronze Anniversary Ceremonies Held In-person on Campus This Autumn
Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held on January 26th


Gold, Ruby, Silver and Bronze Anniversary Ceremonies Held In-person on Campus This Autumn

昨年延期された地域ソフィア会全国大会(信州大会)についてはすでに9月25日(土)、26日(日)の両日、長野県松本市で開催することを発表しています。そして祝典ですが、まず昨年対面で実施できなかった2020年度の各祝典および祝賀会を9月11日(土)に学内において対面で開催。さらに、今年度(2021年度)の各祝典・祝賀会はオンラインASFの5月30日ではなく、11月14日(日)に、これも学内・対面で行う予定です。 その他、ソフィアンズカップ・ゴルフ大会は9月6日(月)に湘南カントリークラブで、秋季全国代議員会は10月16日(土)に学内で行うことを計画しています。

As announced in the last e-mail newsletter issue, the All Sophians' Festival (ASF) will be held online on May 30th. However, among the events Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) has customarily held in conjunction with ASF, we plan to hold the Gold, Ruby, Silver and Bronze Anniversary Ceremonies and celebratory gatherings in person this autumn. Sophia University is, in principle, also planning to hold in-person classes from April when the new semester begins. Along such lines, SUAA is also preparing to switch the format for holding major events back from online to in-person as circumstances allow.
We have already announced that the 11th Regional Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) National Conference, the 2020 Shinshu Conference, which was postponed last year, will be held on September 25 and 26 in Matsumoto in Nagano prefecture. The Gold, Ruby, Silver and Bronze Anniversary Ceremonies and celebratory gatherings for the 2020 academic year, which we were unable to hold face-to-face last year, will be held in person on the Yotsuya Campus on Saturday, September 11th. In addition, rather than holding the 2021 academic year Anniversary Ceremonies and celebratory gatherings on May 30th (the day of online ASF), they will be held in person on Sunday, November 14th, on the Yotsuya Campus. We are also planning to hold the Sophians' Cup Golf Tournament on Monday, September 6th at the Shonan Country Club, and the 2021 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA on Saturday, October 16th on the Yotsuya Campus.
However, each of these depends upon how effective COVID-19 control and prevention efforts are. Right now, we can only pray that COVID-19 will be under control.

Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech Held on January 26th


On Tuesday, January 26th, with continued Sophia University support, SUAA and Cumsophia co-hosted the 29th Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech online. The winner of this award is Takahide Ezoe (1975, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism; Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute Chancellor and Principal) who has for many years contributed to Japanese Language instruction for international students. The 29th Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speech had been postponed from July 2020 because of COVID-19.
The event began at 18:00 over Zoom from a special studio set up in the Sophians Club. Yukari Kanke (1980, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism) served as Moderator, and Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi (remote), SUAA President Masao Torii, and Cumsophia President Toru Murata offered their greetings. Mr. Ezoe then presented an hour-long lecture on the theme of "Visualizing Japanese Grammar" illustrated with slides he had prepared. With a specific focus on particles, he explained that the structure of the Japanese language we native speakers so casually use is extremely difficult for foreigners to understand. Following the speech, many comments on social networking sites, such as "It was an eye-opener", indicated how impressed people were by his presentation.

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言語教育研究センター長 吉田 研作 教授 最終講義(2021年3月13日)

■上智大学通信 第449号 2021年2月1日発行


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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■ポルトガル語学科同窓会:Webinar 世界の卒業生と繋がろう! コロンビアよりBoa noite!開催報告(1/24)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■SPEECCソフィア会 新春オンラインミーティング活動報告(1/23)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

 The Dusseldorfer Sophia-kai held its very first web-New Year Party on January 17th
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◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会


