ソフィア会にとって、忙しい5月がやってきます A Busy May is Coming up for SUAA
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This Year's ASF to be 'HyFlex'
2022 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA also Held Online
This Year's ASF to be 'HyFlex'
一方で、オンラインだけで行われる企画、またオフラインだけで行われる企画も用意されています。地球をグルっと回って世界各地のソフィアンと繋がり、現地での生活から活躍ぶりまでをお聞きするという人気企画「Sophians around the world」は、もちろんオンラインでの開催。3年ぶりに復活するメンストでの模擬店は当然オフラインというように、企画によってオンとオフに別れ、またそのハイブリッド版のハイフレックスが入り混じったASFになります。
The last Sunday in May, which will fall on the 29th this year, is the All Sophians' Festival (ASF). Because of COVID-19, in 2020 and 2021 the event was held online; and this year it will be held in the both offline and online HyFlex format. For example, things happening offline on the Yotsuya Campus will at the same time be offered online. As lectures and other events are held offline on campus as usual, those at a distance, including those overseas, will be able to listen in on them online.
On the other hand, there will also be online-only and offline-only programs. The popular Sophians Around the World, in which the globe is circumnavigated as we connect with Sophians and ask them about their lives and activities, will of course be held online. Returning after a three-year absence, the refreshment booths on Main Street will naturally be held offline. Thus ASF will be a mixture of happenings held online and offline, as well as those held in the HyFlex format.
By the way, the 'HyFlex' term was coined from 'hybrid flexible'. HyFlex is used for face-to-face courses that are also simultaneously streamed online. Although some aspects may be difficult in class, in ASF this format will likely reveal new possibilities.
Please click on the link below to see how ASF is evolving further from last year.
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2022 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA also Held Online
The other event in May, and the most important for SUAA, is the Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA. This will again be held online on Saturday, May 21st at 14:00.
Currently, the Conference of National Representatives of SUAA is held twice a year, in Spring and in Autumn. Particularly important items on the agenda for the Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA include approving the FY2021 Financial Statement and the FY2022 Budget, as well as approving the outcome of implemented FY2021 priorities and drafted priorities for FY2022.
Documents will be sent to delegates in advance via the Internet or by postal mail, and they will vote electronically.
■英文広報誌 SOPHIA magazine発行
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■オンライン開催 グリーフケア公開講座「悲嘆について学ぶ」
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Washington DC Sophians held happy hour
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和四年三月例会報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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