【年末恒例】今年のソフィア会を振り返る [Year End Greeting] SUAA's Year in Review
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The Past Year in Review: Top Ten SUAA News Items
Listen Again to the Message from Pope Francis
Sophians Now 2019 Autumn Edition Published
The Past Year in Review: Top Ten SUAA News Items
In retrospect, a variety of things took place in 2019, and the Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) has
also been working on activities every day. What SUAA events and plans you were interested in? As usual, the
SUAA website (homepage) traffic was analyzed at the end of the year.
As a result, ASF-related events placed at the top again this year. Although article access numbers do not
actually rank it, it seems that interest in the Sophians Club was also high.
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Listen Again to the Message from Pope Francis
On November 26th, we welcomed a Pope to Sophia University for the first time in 38 years. Pope Francis visited
the Yotsuya Campus and presented a message to students, faculty and staff in classroom 101 in Building 6.
Addressing everyone connected with Sophia University, the Pope befittingly said, "Sophia University has always
been known for its humanistic, Christian, and international identity. At Sophia University, with a foundation base
d on the tradition of St. Ignatius, teachers and students alike create an environment that deepens contemplation
and the power of discernment, which needs to be promoted."
On the day of the event, the university relay system broadcast the Pope's message simultaneously to the four
junior and high schools under the Sophia Gakuin umbrella, and it can be experienced again now on the Sophia
University official YouTube channel.
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Sophians Now 2019 Autumn Edition Published
The 2019 autumn edition of the SUAA publication Sophians Now (No. 186) has been published and not only will
it be mailed to members in Japan and around the world, but the digital edition has already been posted on the
SUAA website.
In addition to the special feature on the Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony, this edition includes
reports on the 2019 Spring and Autumn Conferences of National Representatives of SUAA; lectures presented
over the past six months; ASF held in the spring; the 4th Asian SUAA Conference, the 2019 Jakarta Conference;
the 1st National SUAA Conference of Regional Liaisons; and the 'Five Years Since Graduating Festival'.
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■ソフィア会・ソフィア経済人倶楽部(SBC)共催 新年賀詞交歓会のご案内(1/24)
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■さいたまソフィア会主催 大人の遠足~「埼玉の名酒を生み出す酒蔵巡り」開催報告~(11/23)
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■第10回広島東部ソフィア会・懇親会 開催報告(11/16)
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■ソフィアNEXT100プロジェクト 第6回ソフィアン起業家の集い開催報告(11/15)
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ソフィア会事務局 :12月24日(火)~2020年1月5日(日)閉室
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」ボタンから、手続きをお願い
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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