鳥居会長体制が始動 SUAA President Torii's Term Begins
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2020 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held Online
Greetings from Our Incoming SUAA President: An Alumni Association We Honor
2020 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held Online
The 2020 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of the Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA)
began at 14:00 on Saturday, September 5th. Because our responses to COVID-19 made meeting in person
difficult, electronic voting and online conferencing were used for this Conference for the first time.
As access to the Sophia University Campus remains restricted, a few individuals serving below the SUAA
President and those presenting reports gathered in the Sophians Club where agenda drafts and explanations
were presented over Zoom. Previously submitted questions were answered during this online Conference,
whereas deliberation and balloting was carried out online or by mail prior to the event.
The Conference opened with off-site, live, remote greetings from Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu
Sakuma and Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi, which were followed by explanations of the 2019
Academic Year Business Report and the 2020 Academic Year Business Plan by SUAA President Koichi Togawa,
as well as the 2019 Academic Year Financial Statement and the 2020 Academic Year Budget by SUAA Vice
President Toshiyuki Hamaguchi. Thereafter, newly registered organizations and incoming SUAA Board members
including Masao Torii (1970, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of German Studies ), as the incoming SUAA
President, were approved.
Following the Conference, incoming SUAA President Torii gave his election greeting. In closing outgoing SUAA
President Koichi Togawa expressed his gratitude with "I sincerely thank all those who supported me throughout
my term."
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
Greetings from Our Incoming SUAA President: An Alumni Association We Honor
Masao Torii, who was appointed incoming SUAA President at the 2020 Autumn Conference of National
Representatives of SUAA first appointed 22 Standing Committee members to support President Torii's term in
office. He explained "In line with the six-year term of office for the President, replacing SUAA Board members
who have served two terms has been considered. Taking into account recommendations from the Vision for the
Future guidelines for SUAA activities we are endeavoring to create a wide range of opportunities in which
women will take an active role. As a result, the percentage of women on the SUAA Board has widened from 28%
to 36%, and whereas one female served as SUAA Vice President during the previous term, since two women
were appointed as SUAA Vice Presidents this year, more women will be serving in active roles."
Furthermore as the new SUAA President he expressed his hopes by saying "The fact that I have been able to
live as a successful member of society for almost fifty years is due to the education I received here at Sophia
University and for that I am truly grateful. It is a great honor for me to have been appointed President of the
Sophia University Alumni Association here at my alma mater. My family is a Sophian Family; my wife, our son
and his wife, and our oldest daughter have all studied in the Faculty of Foreign Studies. As this is an
opportunity for me to make a contribution back to my alma mater, although my force may not be large, I will do
my best to build our alumni network and to further Sophia's development. I hope that the students studying here
at Sophia University as well as fellow alumni take pride in our alma mater; that high school students will admire
Sophia University and desire to study here; and that we all can contemplate and take action together to show
what we capable of achieving for SUAA."
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ポルトガル語学科同窓会Webinar 日本よりBoa Noite! 開催のお知らせ(9/26)
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■ポルトガル語学科同窓会Webinar メキシコよりBom dia! 開催報告(8/29)
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■第32回九州ソフィア会 宮崎大会開催についてのご案内(11/7)
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたし
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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