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ジャカルタ大会の申込受付中です Jakarta Conference Applications Now Being Accepted


□□==== 配信数:37,693 ====□□


Please Attend the 4th Asian SUAA Conference
Sophia is the Overall Victor at the 60th Sophia-Nanzan Sports Festival
Special Lecture, "What Has to be Done to Realize a 1/1000-second Time Cut", by Tetsuya Yamano Held June 25th


Please Attend the 4th Asian SUAA Conference

ソフィア会は9月27日(金)~30日(月)の4日間、インドネシア・ジャカルタ市で第4回アジア・ソフィア会を行いますが、 現在参加者を募集しています。
アジア・ソフィア会は日本とアジア各国ソフィア会の交流による相互理解と連携を深めることを目的に、これまで第1 回を香港・マカオ、第2回を上海、第3回をカンボジアでそれぞれ開催。日本からのソフィア会会員、大学関係者をは じめ、現地のソフィア会会員、留学生など多数が参加してきました。

Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) will hold the 4th Asian SUAA Conference over four days, from Friday, September 27th through Sunday, the 30th, in Jakarta, Indonesia and participants are now welcome to apply.
In order to promote mutual understanding and collaboration between SUAA chapters in Japan and neighboring Asian nations, the Asian SUAA held the 1st Asian Conference in Hong Kong and Macau, the 2nd in Shanghai, and the 3rd in Siem Reap, Cambodia. As well as a large number of SUAA members and Sophia University officials from Japan, local SUAA members and exchange students have previously participated.
Lectures, panel discussions, and an optional tour are being planned for this year's event, so please join us.

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Sophia is the Overall Victor at the 60th Sophia-Nanzan Sports Festival

第60回目を迎えた上南戦(上智大学・南山大学総合対抗運動競技大会)が7月5日(金)~7日(日)までの3日間、上 智大学を主催校として行われ、上智大学が20勝11敗1引き分けで総合優勝を果たしました。
上南戦は、カトリック大学として同じ教育理念を有する上智大学と南山大学が、体育会の団体を中心として対抗試合 を行い両校の交流を深めるスポーツ対抗戦。1960年より1年ごとに互いの大学を会場として開催されてきました。

The 60th Jonan-sen, the comprehensive Sophia University and Nanzan University Sports Festival, was held at Sophia University over a three-day period, from Friday, July 5th to Sunday the 7th. Sophia University won the overall victory with 20 wins, 11 losses, and 1 tie.
Athletic sports clubs from Sophia University and Nanzan University, Catholic universities that share the same educational philosophy, compete in the Jonan-sen to deepen the exchange between the two schools. Since 1960, this competition has been hosted by each of the universities in alternate years.

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Special Lecture, "What Has to be Done to Realize a 1/1000-second Time Cut", by Tetsuya Yamano Held June 25th

ソフィア会は6月25日(火)18:30から学内図書館9階911会議室で、レーシングドライバー山野哲也さんによる講演会「 1/1000秒を削るために」を開催しました。山野さんは経済学部卒で、在学中は体育会自動車部に所属。現在、全日 本ジムカーナ選手権などで活躍しているプロのドライバーです。
講演は自動車競技についての説明からはじまり、学生時代からプロのドライバーになるまで、現在そして今後のこと まで、幅広いテーマで盛り上がりました。

SUAA held a lecture entitled "What Has to be Done to Realize a 1/1000-second Time Cut", presented by racing driver Tetsuya Yamano on Tuesday, June 25th at 18:30 in Meeting Room 911 on 9th floor of the Library on the Yotsuya Campus. Mr. Yamano is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and as a student, he was a member of the Sophia University Motorsports Club. The All Japan Gymkhana Championship is one of the events he participates in as a professional driver.
The broad theme of his lecture that began with an explanation about automotive competitions, covered the time spanning from his student days to becoming a professional driver, and touched on the present and future.

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■山梨ソフィア会2019年度総会開催報告(6/22) 詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)

■SBF(Sophia Business Forum)第4回トーク・イベントの開催(9/25)
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」ボタンから、手続きをお願い いたします。


◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会

