代議員会ではソフィアンズ顕彰式も Conference of National Representatives of SUAA to Include the Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony
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Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held on October 19th
The 2019-2020 Sophia Alumni Association Handbook Published
September 2019 Graduation Ceremony Held September 20th
Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held on October 19th
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) will hold the 2019 Autumn Conference of National
Representatives of SUAA on Saturday, October 19th, at 14:00 in classroom 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya
Campus. In addition to greetings from Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma, Sophia University
President Yoshiaki Terumichi and SUAA President Koichi Togawa, the deliberation of items on the agenda and
the presentation of reports, the Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony, which is held once every three
years to commemorate Sophians who have made great contributions to SUAA activities, will be held this year.
Furthermore, following the deliberation of items on the agenda and the presentation of reports, Sophia University
Professor Daisaku Higashi, who concurrently works at the Center for Global Discovery (CGD) and the Sophia
Institute of International Relations (SIIR), is scheduled to present a lecture entitled "Research Peacebuilding On
Site and Use It in Educating".
After the Conference ends, a get-together will be held at 17:00 in the 5F Cafeteria, Building 2.
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The 2019-2020 Sophia Alumni Association Handbook Published
Every two years SUAA updates the Sophia Alumni Association Handbook and the 36-page B5-sized 2019-2020
edition has been published. In addition to the Handbook being made accessible as a digital book on the SUAA
website, printed copies will be made available at the general meetings of registered SUAA organizations
including regional branches and various other SUAA alumni groups.
The 2019-2020 Handbook containing an overview of SUAA's purpose and activities will appeal to a broad
variety of SUAA members. Additionally, considering native English speaking members, such as international
students, we edited some of the content to appear in English this time.
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September 2019 Graduation Ceremony Held September 20th
Sophia University held its September 2019 (Reiwa 1) Graduation Ceremony on Friday, September 20th at 10:00
in classroom 101 on the first floor of Building 6 (Sophia Tower) on the Yotsuya Campus.
In his Invitational Congratulatory Address to the new alumni, SUAA President Koichi Togawa spoke about the
"three Ls", English often heard from Archbishop Joseph Pittau: "Look, Love, Laugh".
Gatherings for the Graduate Schools and Faculties were held separately following the Graduation Ceremony.
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■法学部同窓会 第8回お江戸散策「まつりごとめぐり」開催のご案内(10/26)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ポルトガル語学科同窓会 卒業生によるカジュアル講演会&忘年会開催(11/24)
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■「ブラジルの古代遺跡を守る ~世界をつなぐボランティア活動~」開催報告
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■上智大学 卒業5年交流会の開催について(2019.11.3開催)
対象:2014年3月、9月学部卒業・院修了 及び2015年3月学部卒業(但し2010年入学)
会費:1000円 (お酒・お飲物・軽食をご用意いたします)
問合せ先:ソフィア会事務局(担当:丸山、黒澤) sophiakai-a@sophiakai.gr.jp
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」ボタンから、手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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