Please Contribute to Funding for the Ukraine Emergency Response
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SUAA and University Support for Ukraine
Students Awarded 1.35 Million Yen in Extracurricular Student Activity Funds
2022 Academic Year Gold Anniversary Ceremony and the Like Postponed
SUAA and University Support for Ukraine
Sophia University and the Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA), together with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, have launched an emergency fund-raising campaign to support Ukrainian refugees whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by the conflict.
Announcing the fund-raising campaign, Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi said, "Sophia University stands with people of all nationalities and walks of life who love peace and respect human dignity. In firm opposition to war, these emergency donations are being made with the hope that peace, health, and tranquility will return to the people of Ukraine as quickly as possible."
SUAA President Masao Torii called for support by saying, "This outrageous act must not be allowed to shake international order. What we can do now is to help the people of Ukraine who are enduring hardships every day. I sincerely hope that you will join fellow alumni, current students, parents and guarantors, faculty and staff in this All-Sophia initiative to endorse the University's fund-raising effort."
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
(Japanese) https://www.sophia.ac.jp/jpn/news/PR/220317ukraine_unhcr.html
Students Awarded 1.35 Million Yen in Extracurricular Student Activity Funds
ソフィア会は 3 月 16 日(水)16 時から学内ソフィアンズクラブにおいて、学生課外活動支援金(後期追加支援)の贈呈式を実施しました。今回支援金を贈呈したのは、体育団体連合会、音楽協議会、演劇協議会、アメリカンフットボール部、Sophia Refugee Support Group、ロシア語劇の 6 団体と学生個人3 名でした。
学生課外活動支援金は大学への貢献を掲げるソフィア会の主要な取り組みで、2021 年度予算として 1000 万円を計上。すでに昨年 7 月 22 日(木)体育会 41 団体に 600 万円、文化系 23 団体に 265 万円を贈呈しています。
On Wednesday, March 16th, from 16:00 in the Sophians Club on the Yotsuya Campus, SUAA held a ceremony to present Extracurricular Student Activity Funds (Second Semester Additional Support). Funding was presented to three individuals in addition to the following six organizations: the Association of Athletic Clubs, the Music Activities Committee, the Theatrical Activities Committee, the American Football Club, the Sophia Refugee Support Group, and the Russian Drama Circle.
Extracurricular Student Activity Funds are a major SUAA initiative for contributing to the University, and 10 million yen was allocated in the FY2021 budget. SUAA previously presented 6 million yen to 41 athletic groups and 2.65 million yen to 23 cultural groups on Thursday, July 22nd last year.
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2022 Academic Year Gold Anniversary Ceremony and the Like Postponed
The University-sponsored Gold, Ruby, Silver, and Bronze Ceremonies, which are held each year in conjunction with ASF on the last Sunday in May, have been postponed until the COVID-19 outbreak is brought under control and there is a prospect for holding celebratory events with food and drink. The 2022 events are the Gold (class of 1972), Ruby (class of 1982), Silver (class of 1997), and Bronze (class of 2007) Ceremonies.
Although these events are scheduled to be held this coming autumn, neither their dates, nor when the events will be announced, have been determined.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■上智大学法学部同窓会 ギャラリー
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和四年二月例会報告
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■2022年 LAソフィア会オンライン開催(2/26)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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