第30回は長野智子さん、玉川奈々福さんが受賞 Tomoko Nagano and Nanafuku Tamagawa Awarded 30th Cumsophia Prizes
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The Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speeches
Tokyo 2020 Oly/Para Committee Roundtable Discussion Speakers Decided
The Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speeches
玉川奈々福さんは、浪曲実演の前に、いつも質問されるという「上智を卒業して、なんで浪曲師になったのか」という話から。「大学卒業後いくつかの出版社で働きましたが、途中で自分の感性を磨かなくてはならないとの思いに至り」、いくつかの習い事を始めることに。 そのひとつに、三味線教室があり、そのまま二代目玉川福太郎にスカウトされ曲師、そして浪曲師への道へ。
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) and Cumsophia co-hosted the Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speeches for the 30th Cumsophia Prizes on Tuesday, January 25, from 17:30 in the International Conference Room on the 17th floor of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. The two recipients of this year's awards are newscaster and journalist Tomoko Nagano (1985, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of English Studies) and traditional rokyokushi storyteller with shamisen accompaniment Nanafuku Tamagawa (1987, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Japanese Literature).
Following the Award Ceremony, Tomoko Nagano presented the first speech on the theme of "Turning a small voice into a large voice. After she quit her job as a popular announcer at Fuji Television Network, she again studied at New York University Graduate School for five years. Coming to the conclusion that as long as she herself is an intermediary (a media) between people and events, she would like to be the kind of intermediary through which not only loud voices but also small voices resonate forcefully in society, she became the news director of Japan for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. She spoke about her activities there.
Before giving a rokyokushi demonstration, Nanafuku Tamagawa began her speech responding to a question she is always asked: "Why did you become a rokyokushi performer after graduating from Sophia University?" She said, "Although I worked for several publishing companies after graduation, during that time I realized I needed to cultivate my senses," so she began taking some lessons. One of those was a shamisen class and she was scouted by Fukutaro Tamagawa II to become a kyokushi (an accompanist for the rokyokushi genre of traditional Japanese narrative singing) which progressed into becoming a rokyokushi artist.
She performed "Sendai no Onif?fu (rough translation: An Ogre Couple in Sendai)". She has performed this piece overseas as a Japan Cultural Envoy appointed by the Agency of Cultural Affairs, and her energetic performance was overwhelming.
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Tokyo 2020 Oly/Para Committee Roundtable Discussion Speakers Decided
As previously reported, the SUAA Olympics/Paralympics Support Ad Hoc Committee will hold a ZOOM roundtable discussion to reflect on the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The speakers and topics have been decided.
The Zoom Roundtable will be held for two hours on Saturday, March 5th from 15:00 to 17:00. Discussions among around ten Sophians who were involved in the Games as Organizing Committee members, sponsors, competition supporters, media, and volunteers will include their experiences before (in the preparatory phase), during, and after the Games; what they felt about the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games; and how they plan to put their experiences at Tokyo 2020 to use in the future.
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■ポルトガル語学科同窓会 オンライン上映会開催報告
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■岩手ソフィア会 令和3年度岩手ソフィア会総会のご案内
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■メキシコソフィア会 MEXITOWN:滝本昇氏インタビューを掲載
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■体育会ソフトテニス部 現役体育会発行冊子
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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