申し込み受付けを開始しました-香川大会 Kagawa Conference Registration Begins
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Countdown to the 2018 Kagawa Regional SUAA National Conference
【2】講演会「山田五郎さんに聴く 絵画の楽しみ方」を開催-8/8
Lecture: "How to Enjoy Paintings, According to Goro Yamada" Held
August 8th
【3】第59回上南戦 上智大学が総合優勝
Sophia Earned the Overall Championship at the 59th Sophia-Nanzan
Sports Festival
Countdown to the 2018 Kagawa Regional SUAA National Conference
ホストソフィア会である香川ソフィア会の本木康仁会長 (1983法法)は「四国の
The countdown to the 10th Regional Sophia University Alumni Association
(SUAA) National Conference, the 2018 Kagawa Conference, has finally
begun. The dates are Saturday and Sunday, September 29th and 30th.
The event will be held in Takamatsu on the island of Shikoku, and the
Sunport Takamatsu Kagawa International Hall will be the primary venue.
According to Yasuhito Motoki ('83, Faculty of Law, Department of Law),
Chair of the hosting Kagawa SUAA said, "Event preparations are
progressing with the unlimited passionate cooperation of Ehime SUAA,
Kochi SUAA and Tokushima SUAA who represent the other prefectures on the
island of Shikoku. I look forward to the participation of many
generations of Sophians who, while even as they share memories of their
university days, will join in creating the present and the future."
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
【2】講演会「山田五郎さんに聴く 絵画の楽しみ方」を開催-8/8
Lecture: "How to Enjoy Paintings, According to Goro Yamada" Held
August 8th
ソフィア会は上智大学と共催で、講演会「山田五郎さんに聴く 絵画の楽しみ方
~没後50年 藤田嗣治展に寄せて」を8月8日(水)18:00から、四谷キャンパス
50年 藤田嗣治展』」がスタートしますが、この展覧会を企画したのが
SUAA and Sophia University will co-sponsor a lecture entitled "How to
Enjoy Paintings, According to Goro Yamada - Commemorating the 50th
Anniversary of the Death of Tsuguharu Foujita" to be held on Wednesday,
August 8th from 18:00, in Meeting Room 911 on 9th floor of the Library
on the Yotsuya Campus.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum exhibition entitled "Foujita: A
Retrospective - Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of his Death" will
open on July 31st. This exhibition was planned by Sophian Goro Yamada
who will personally talk about the appeal of the art exhibition, how to
enjoy it, and the highlights of the Tsuguharu Foujita exhibition.
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
【3】第59回上南戦 上智大学が総合優勝
Sophia Earned the Overall Championship at the 59th Sophia-Nanzan
Sports Festival
The three-day 59th Sophia-Nanzan Sports Festival (Jonan-sen), comprised
of 30 competitions, was held from Friday, July 6th through Sunday, the
8th on and around the Nanzan University Nagoya Campus. Sophia earned
the overall championship with 16 wins, 13 losses and 1 tie. Although
inclement weather caused the cancellation of some events, Sophia, with
superior intrinsic abilities, has earned consecutive victories two years
in a row.
With this, Sophia-Nanzan Sports Festival performance statistics stand at
37 wins, 17 losses, and 5 ties.
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■上智大学通信 第427号 2018年7月2日発行
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■WOWOW×上智大学「PARA-SPORTS NIGHT」開催報告(6/28)
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■上智大学英文学科創立90年記念 英文学科同窓会第5回会員大会
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■フランス文学科同窓会 仏文カフェ開催報告(5/27)
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■山梨ソフィア会 幹事会・納涼懇親会のお知らせ(8/11)
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■宮城ソフィア会 夏の例会ご報告(6/21)
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■熊本ソフィア会 総会開催報告(6/16)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
(上智大学ソフィア会事務局 森田浩一記)
◇発行人:上智大学ソフィア会会長 戸川宏一
◇編集人:上智大学ソフィア会広報委員長 宍戸周夫
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