「大学への貢献」の中核事業――学生課外活動支援金を贈呈 Our Core Aim of 'Contributing to the University' - SUAA Extracurricular Student Activity Funds Awarded
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Extracurricular Student Activity Funds Presentation Ceremony Held
The 28th Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speeches Held
【3】イエズス会総長 アルトゥロ・ソーサ神父特別講話のお知らせ― 7/31
Announcing a Special Lecture Presented by Rev. Fr. Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ,
General of the Society of Jesus on July 31st
Extracurricular Student Activity Funds Presentation Ceremony Held
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) held the 2019 Academic Year SUAA Extracurricular Student
Activity Funds Presentation Ceremony at 12:45 on Monday, July 22nd in the International Conference Room on
the 17th floor of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. The 20 cultural groups and 40 athletic groups selected this
year received a total of 7.61 million yen. Raising these funds for extracurricular student activities realizes
SUAA's main objective of contributing to the University.
Sophia University officials and SUAA Board members were among those attending the ceremony. SUAA
President Koichi Togawa personally presented the funds to representatives from each group, and a student
representative thanked the Alumni Association.
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The 28th Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speeches Held
With support from Sophia University, the 28th Cumsophia Prize Award Ceremony and Acceptance Speeches
were held at 17:20 on Tuesday, July 16th in the International Conference Room on the 17th floor of Building
2 on the Yotsuya Campus. The two winners selected this year are Miyuki Suma (1983, Faculty of Humanities,
Department of Social Services) for international contributions, and Genki Kawamura (2001, Faculty of
Humanities, Department of Journalism) for media contributions.
Miyuki Suma works in the field of educational and medical support in developing Asian nations and is being
recognized for her international contribution achievements. Genki Kawamura, who has earned an outstanding
rating as a producer, such as for Your Name (Kimi no Na wa), and as an author whose works include the
best-selling novel entitled If Cats Disappeared from the World (Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara) which sold over
2 million copies around the globe, is being recognized for his media contributions.
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【3】イエズス会総長 アルトゥロ・ソーサ神父特別講話のお知らせ― 7/31
Announcing a Special Lecture Presented by Rev. Fr. Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ, General of the Society of
Jesus on July 31st
Sophia School Corporation will hold a special lecture presented by, and a conversation with, Rev. Fr. Arturo
Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus from 9:15 to 10:45 on the morning of Wednesday, July 31st
in classroom 101 in Building 6 (Sophia Tower) on the Yotsuya Campus. Alumni are also welcome to attend, but
please note that advance registration is required.
Ref. Fr. Sosa was born in 1948 in Caracas, Venezuela. He was elected to become the 31st Superior General of
the Society of Jesus in October 2016.
A three-way conversation with Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma and Sophia University
President Yoshiaki Terumichi is also being planned for the day of the lecture.
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■デュッセルドルフソフィア会 BBQ+ホタル鑑賞会開催報告(6/29)
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■フランスソフィア会 初夏の遠足報告(6/16)
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■熊本ソフィア会 総会を開催(6/15)
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」ボタンから、手続きをお願い
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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