学生支援のため、引き続きSOPHIA未来募金へ支援を Please Continue Contributing to the SOPHIA Fund for the Future to Support Students
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Current Status of SUAA Student Support
Report on the Talk with Sophian Government Officials Online Event
Current Status of SUAA Student Support
As previously reported, Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) donated ten million yen in May and 50 million yen in July, for a total of 60 million yen, to the Emergency Relief Fund for Student Support in the Wake of the COVID-19 Outbreak. However, as winter approaches and the number of infected individuals is expected to rise again across the nation, students face very difficult living and studying conditions. We request continued
SUAA member support.
In a related vein, SUAA donated 100 million yen to the SOPHIA Fund for the Future (earmarked for the SUAA Scholarship Fund) last August to support the foundation for the SUAA Scholarship Fund which began in 2019, and preparations are underway with the University to launch the SUAA Scholarship Fund during the 2020 academic year. On October 16th, Sophia School Corporation Trustee for General Affairs Augustine Sali presented SUAA President Masao Torii with a letter of appreciation for that 100 million yen donation.
Furthermore, the SUAA Scholarship Fund provided fifteen exchange student support scholarships in the 2019 academic year as well as four livelihood support scholarships to new students from afar in the 2020 academic year. Concerning the annual SUAA overhead fee (administrative fee), 474 SUAA members have generously contributed a total of 2.85 million yen.
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Report on the Talk with Sophian Government Officials Online Event
This year on October 21st, the Talk with Sophian Government Officials: Upper Classmen Active in Japan and Around the Globe symposium held by the Sophia Institute of International Relations with continued SUAA support.
Former Japanese Ambassador to the United States Ichiro Fujisaki (former Sophia University Distinguished Professor and Chairman of International Strategies) and Sophian alumni serving at various government ministries have been invited to this event, which has been held annually since 2016 to primarily support Sophia University students interested in taking the exam to become a diplomat or government official. Although the COVID-19 outbreak caused the event to be held online for the first time this year, over 70 students and alumni attended.
SUAA President Torii opened the symposium with an address and in his keynote speech former Ambassador Fujisaki said, "As long as you are an excellent candidate, the name of your alma mater is not important. I encourage Sophia University students to aim for a career-track position." Then, Tohoku University School of Law Professor Jun Imanishi (former Minister's Secretariat, Principal Deputy Chief of Protocol; '83, Faculty of Law, Department of Law) and other Sophians serving as national civil servants spoke in an easy to understand manner about topics that included what motivated them to apply for their positions; the difference between national government and professional career paths; the process of framing foreign policy; and their true pleasure in representing Japan in diplomatic negotiations.
This event implements making contributions to our alma mater as well as strengthening and expanding support for current Sophia University students and supporting career development for dynamic personnel in international society, as outlined in the SUAA Vision for the Future.
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■オンライン「オリパラ メディア ソフィアンズ シンポジウム」(12/4)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■シドニーソフィア会親睦会 新会長に『しもさん』
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたし
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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