ソフィア会事務局の"つぶやき"? SUAA Secretariat "Tweets"
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Sending out University and Campus Information on Twitter
Online Talk Show: Listening to Your Inner Voice When Photographing Held July 19
Sending out University and Campus Information on Twitter
SUAA Secretariat sends out updated University and campus information in Japanese on Twitter.
Based upon our policy of "Providing SUAA members (alumni and current students) with information on various events among other things", you can find alma mater news that is not even readily available on the SUAA or University websites.
Recent information includes "The SUAA bulletin board in Building 1 will be removed this summer;" and "The Japanese cypress planted by the Sophia University Committee for Remembering Those Killed in War has been transplanted behind Building 12 because renovation work is taking place in the planting area in front of Building 1." During the Olympics, we also posted a photo of the new National Stadium,
which can be seen from the Yotsuya Campus, along with the words, "You can even walk to the main Olympics venue from Sophia University." These are examples of information truly 'exclusive' to Sophians that you will have access to.
Please check the link below.
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Online Talk Show: Listening to Your Inner Voice When Photographing Held July 19
7月19日(月)、ソフィア会のオンライントークショー 「世界を駆けるソフィアンたち」シリーズにミラノ在住のフォトグラファー仁木岳彦さんが登場、「内なる声を聴き"撮る"」をテーマにお話を伺いました。
On Monday, July 19th in the SUAA online talk show "Sophians Around the Globe" lecture series, Milan-based photographer Takehiko Niki spoke on the theme of Listening to Your Inner Voice When Photographing.
The talk show began by looking at Mr. Niki's photographs which have been published in magazines and newspapers around the world, and we inquired about how he came to live in Milan. The appeal of working in photography is the joy of keeping pace with the times, of encountering people and things that are trendy, or a bit before they become all the rage. He also spoke about how in order to take photographs you have to love the things you are photographing, which increases the number of things you love.
As for the 'inner voice' in the theme, he said, "As that deepens, all differentiation disappears from whether it is your own inner voice, the inner voices of your companion, angels, or of Earth's consciousness. When I hear the 'inner voice', I am no longer unsure."
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■Webinar 世界の卒業生と繋がろう!ニューヨークよりBoa noite!(9月18日)
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■Webinar 世界の卒業生と繋がろう!モザンビークよりBoa tarde! 開催報告
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和三年七月例会(メール句会)報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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