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代議員会で「ソフィアンズ顕彰表彰式」も実施 Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony Carried out at the Conference of National Representatives of SUAA



□□==== 配信数:37,960 ====□□


The 2019 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held on October 19th
ASC 2019 Performers Being Sought
Xavier Cup Japanese Language Speech Contest Held December 8th


The 2019 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held on October 19th


Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) held the 2019 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA on Saturday, October 19th, at 14:00 in classroom 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya Campus.
Prior to the deliberation of items on the agenda, the Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony, which is held once every three years, was held this year. The thirteen individuals selected to be honored in this third ceremony include Dr. Donal Doyle, who served as the Sophia Vice President, and Yukio Kusaka, who played an active role in the Sophia University Department of History Alumni Association. Although two honorees were unable to participate in the ceremony, eleven honorees were on stage to receive a letter of appreciation and a commemorative plaque from President Togawa.
In subsequent proceedings, the proposed Vision for the Future with concrete measures for implementation, which was a result of the 2019 Spring Conference of National Representatives of SUAA, was approved. In addition, reports on recent activities were given, and the session culminated with a lecture entitled "Research Peacebuilding On Site and Use It in Educating" presented by Sophia University Professor Daisaku Higashi.

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ASC 2019 Performers Being Sought

2019年度オールソフィアンのクリスマス(ASC2019)は12月13日(金)18:00から学内9号館地下1階アクティブコモンズ (旧9号館カフェテリア)で開催しますが、第2部パーティで、パフォーマンスを披露していただける卒業生のパフォー マー団体(または個人)を募集しています。
対象となるのはソフィア会会員を代表とする団体(または個人としての応募も可)で、音楽演奏、ダンス、演芸など、 暖かな雰囲気のパーティにふさわしいもの。奮ってご応募ください。

This year's All Sophians' Christmas (ASC 2019) will be held at 18:00 on Friday, December 13th in the Active Commons (the former Cafeteria in the basement of Building 9) on the Yotsuya Campus, and alumni performers to provide entertainment during the second-half party are being sought.
Eligible applicants should represent SUAA member groups and be appropriate entertainment for a warm ambient party, such as performing music, dance or drama. Individual performers are also invited. Everyone is encouraged to apply.

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Xavier Cup Japanese Language Speech Contest Held December 8th

ソフィア会国際委員会は12月8日(日)13:00~17:00まで学内ソフィアンズクラブで開催する日本語スピーチコンテスト 「ザビエル杯」の参加者を募集しています。
ソフィア会の後援、上智大学の協力のもと、日本で学ぶ諸外国からの留学生が参加する、大学の枠を越えた交流を 目指したイベントです。

The Sophia Alumni Association International Committee is now seeking participants for the Xavier Cup Japanese Speech Contest which will be held in the Sophians Club on Sunday, December 8th from 13:00 to 17:00.
With SUAA support and Sophia University cooperation, the event in which international students from various countries studying in Japan participate, is aimed at cross-university exchange.

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■2019年度看護学科ナーシング コミットメント・セレモニー が行われました(9/21)
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■元副学長 赤波江春海神父様 年忌ミサのお知らせ(11/9)
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■ワンダーフォーゲル部OB会 第19回山行報告(10/5・6)
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■ソフィア俳句会 令和元年九月例会報告(9/26)
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■モスクワ・ソフィア会 秋の定例会開催報告(9/20)
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■SGC ニューヨークソフィア会との懇親会(9/10)
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■上智大学 卒業5年交流会の開催について(2019.11.3開催)
対象:2014年3月、9月学部卒業・院修了 及び2015年3月学部卒業(但し2010年入学)
会費:1000円 (お酒・お飲物・軽食をご用意いたします)

問合せ先:ソフィア会事務局(担当:丸山、黒澤) sophiakai-a@sophiakai.gr.jp

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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」ボタンから、手続きをお願い いたします。


◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会

