全国代議員会で新規代議員などを承認 New Representative Assembly Members among Items Approved at the Conference of National Representatives of SUAA
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2018 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held October 20th
This Year's ASC? Plans Announced
Meet Sophia Alumni Diplomats: Information Exchange and Social Gathering with Active Diplomats Held October 30th
2018 Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA Held October 20th
その後第10回地域ソフィア会全国大会「2018香川大会」などの報告、また理工学部同窓会の取り組みの中から生まれた初の上智大学発ベンチャー「上智大学多言語対応医療・看護・福祉・介護情報提供システムSoCHAS(ソーカス=Sophia Cross-lingual Health Assistant System)」の講演を行いました。
Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) held the 2018 Autumn
Conference of National Representatives of SUAA on Saturday, October 20th,
at 14:30 in classroom 101 in Building 6 on the Yotsuya Campus.
Attended by 220 representatives from around the nation
(plus 211 proxy letters for a total of 431 representatives)
new representative assembly members and the revocation of the registration
of inactive organizations were approved.
Following that, reports included the 10th Regional SUAA National Conference,
the 2018 Kagawa Conference,and a lecture was presented on the first Sophia University
venture contributing to a cross-cultural symbiotic society known as SoCHAS
(Sophia Cross-lingual Health Assistant System), which was a product of Faculty
of Science and Technology Alumni Association initiatives.
Sophia School Corporation Chancellor Tsutomu Sakuma and Sophia University President
Yoshiaki Terumichi conversed informally with the representatives at the social
gathering following the conference proceedings.
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
This Year's ASC? Plans Announced
Plans for this year's All Sophians' Christmas (ASC 2018) to be held on Friday,
December 14th, have been announced.
The Active Commons (the former Cafeteria in the basement of Building 9
on the Yotsuya Campus) will be the venue.
The event will run from 18:00 until 20:30 (admission begins at 17:30).
The charge for general admission will be 1,000 yen (includes a voucher
for one alcoholic drink) and the charge for students will be 500 yen.
Following the Sophia Prayer in the first part, the second session will
feature a party.
Performances for the party and booth exhibitors are presently being sought.
We look forward to seeing everyone there.
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
Meet Sophia Alumni Diplomats: Information Exchange and Social Gathering with Active Diplomats Held October 30th
SUAA is hosting Sophians who passed the Level-1 Civil Service Examination
(now the National Public Service Exam) and who are serving at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs as candidates for executive positions for the
'Meet Sophia Alumni Diplomats' event on Tuesday, October 30th at 18:45
(doors open at 18:15) in the International Conference Room on the 17th floor
of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. The first session will consist of a
panel discussion on 'Preparing as a university student and working as a
diplomat' and the second session will be an information exchange and social
gathering with the diplomats held from 19:50 to 21:00 in the Sophians Club
on the 6th floor of Building 6.
Geared towards current Sophia students, this event is the first stage of
SUAA student support in human resource development for those playing
active roles in the global community.
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■法学部同窓会:法学部同窓会セミナーシリーズ 第13回"法と実務の最前線"(11/9)
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■ポルトガル語学科同窓会 卒業生によるカジュアル講演会&忘年会(11/25)
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■山梨ソフィア会 忘年懇親会・幹事会のご案内(12/1)
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詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■アイルランドソフィア会: 9月10日 ドイル神父様とダブリンでお目にかかりました(9/10)
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
■女性二人芝居「エアスイミング」日本初上演 / 翻訳出版のご案内(12/20)
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
詳しくはこちら(Additional Information):
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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