ASF Preparations are Underway
ASF Group Gathering Applications Now Being Accepted
Please Support the International Student Essay Contest for Dream Support Scholarship - Request from Bureau of General Affairs, Office of Community & Alumni Relations
ASF Group Gathering Applications Now Being Accepted
Each year over 10,000 Sophians participate in the All Sophians'Festival (ASF), the largest Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) event. ASF, scheduled on the last Sunday in May, will be held this year on May 28th. A committee has already been organized and is working on preparations to ensure that members and their families have an enjoyable day.
Accordingly, we encourage everyone to start preparing for ASF as well. Many registered SUAA organizations are planning general meetings and get-togethers on the day of ASF. As well as visiting the campus and viewing lectures online, you are welcome organize your own on-campus event. To that end, applications for Sophia University classrooms and other facilities are now being accepted.
A variety of facilities are available depending upon the purpose, including the use of classrooms for group gatherings, Main Street refreshment booths (that provide food and drinks) and flea markets (that do not provide food and drinks), as well as the use of athletic grounds and gymnasiums. Although at this stage, whether food and alcohol will be available has not yet been decided, we look forward to many groups participating.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
Please Support the International Student Essay Contest for Dream Support Scholarship - Request from Bureau of General Affairs, Office of Community & Alumni Relations
Kinshuku Sansankai created the Sophia University International Student Essay Contest for Dream Support Scholarship after being presented with the Award Commemorating the Visit of Pope Francis established by the Sophia School Corporation to commemorate the November 26, 2019 visit of Pope Francis to Sophia University.
International students are asked to write an essay about their dreams of studying at Sophia University. The purpose of Kinshuku Sansankai is to offer support to them in realizing their dreams. Not limited to Kinshuku Sansankai members, funding donations for this International Student Dream Support Scholarship are also solicited from among alumni, parents of current students, among other donors. We request your warm support and cooperation to help international students studying at Sophia realize their dreams and help them fulfill their dreams in their home countries.
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■卒業40周年 ルビー祝の集い
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■第2回 子育てを語ろう by Sophians クリスマス会開催報告
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詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■ワシントンDCソフィア会 ハッピーアワー開催報告
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■ソフィアスキークラブ ソフィア会に団体登録しました
詳しくはこちら:(Additional Information)
■早下隆士教授 最終講義のおしらせ(3月11日)
更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。
◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会
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