HOME > ソフィア会の発行物 > メールニュース > 「2022信州大会」は 9月15日まで申込受付け中 2022 Shinshu Conference Registration Open Through September 15ソフィア会の発行物


「2022信州大会」は 9月15日まで申込受付け中
2022 Shinshu Conference Registration
Open Through September 15



□□==== 配信数:50,119 ====□□


 Let's Expand the Circle of Sophians in Shinshu-Matsumoto
 Thirteen New Sophians Honorees Commended on October 8
 Glee Club Alumni Choir Onstage at Concert with Currently Active Members


 Let's Expand the Circle of Sophians in Shinshu-Matsumoto


The Regional Sophia University Alumni Association (SUAA) National Conference, first held in 2009, was held annually through the 10th Conference, the Kagawa Conference in 2018, yet for the past four years the COVID-19 outbreak has prevented us from holding the Conference.
However, thanks to the efforts of everyone involved, the 11th Conference, known as the 2022 Shinshu Conference, will fortunately be held in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture on September 24th and 25th. This Conference is sure to be a wonderful event for having a terrific time with friends for the first time in four years.
Representatives of undergraduate faculty and departmental, regional, and various other SUAA alumni groups in particular, will find this to be a perfect opportunity for sharing information about SUAA group initiatives over the past four years and future activities. You may register through September 15th. Please sign up on the SUAA website.

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 Thirteen New Sophians Honorees Commended on October 8


Sophians Honorees are SUAA members commended for making significant contributions to SUAA. Established in conjunction with the Sophia University Centennial in 2013, this commendation is made every three years. Fifteen members were commended in the first event in 2013; 14 in the second event in 2016; 13 in the third event in 2019; and we anticipate the commendation of 13 members at this fourth event in 2022.
The Sophians Honorees Commendation Ceremony will be held at the beginning of the Autumn Conference of National Representatives of SUAA which begins at 14:00, Saturday, October 8. The honorees recognized this year will be announced at that event.

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  Glee Club Alumni Choir Onstage at Concert with Currently Active Members


The Sophia Glee Club Alumni Association, one of various SUAA alumni groups, has long been committed to supporting current club member activities and as an alumni association, established the Sophia Glee Club Alumni Choir in 2009. As well as holding its own concerts, the group makes supportive appearances at concerts held by currently active members.
Again this year, the Alumni Choir will participate in the 73rd Glee Club Concert featuring the current members. It will be held on Sunday, November 27th, from 15:00 in the Main Hall in the Tower Hall Funabori venue, which is a 1-minute walk from Funabori Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line, in Edogawa Ward, Tokyo, so please come to the concert.

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■第33回九州ソフィア会 福岡大会開催報告
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更新は、ソフィア会Webサイトのトップページ、タイトルバー右側の「Online Registration」から手続きをお願いいたします。


◇発行 :上智大学ソフィア会広報委員会


