HOME > 海外地域ソフィア会 > Washington DC Sophians Welcome University President Yoshiaki Terumichi on April 26, 2024海外地域ソフィア会

Washington DC Sophians
Welcome University President Yoshiaki Terumichi on April 26, 2024


A welcome dinner was hosted for President Yoshiaki Terumichi at "The Henri," a restaurant in Washington DC, on the last Friday of April, amidst the vibrant blossoms of spring. Dr. Terumichi had freshly arrived in the US earlier that morning, and a total of 12 members gathered for the occasion.

The dinner took place in a spacious room within the renowned restaurant. Mr. Kiyoshi Nakasaka, a graduate and active member of the Sophia Alumni Washington DC Chapter, also a proprietor of a consulting business in the area, graciously played the role of host for the evening.

Following a delectable multi-course dinner, the attendees took the opportunity to introduce themselves and share insights into their endeavors. The group boasted a diverse array of backgrounds: some had established roots in the area over decades, while others were more transient, stationed in the region for a few years. Additionally, one member was currently pursuing graduate studies. President Terumichi elaborated on the objectives of his business trip and provided updates on current developments concerning Sophia University. He candidly fielded questions from the attendees. Alumni members expressed their eagerness to lend support to current students and those studying in the area in any way possible.

I initially encountered Dr. Terumichi during a poolside welcome gathering at a condominium in a Washington DC suburb back in September 2015, when he served as the Executive Director for the Promotion of Globalization. Subsequently, my husband and I had the pleasure of meeting him again at his welcome dinner hosted at the Cosmos Club in 2023. This recent encounter was particularly special as my son, visiting from the West Coast, joined us. It's truly an honor to have crossed paths with the President on three separate occasions. I am deeply grateful for the gracious hospitality extended by the president and organizer of the Sophia Alumni Washington DC Chapter.

Since my graduation, whenever my husband was assigned to Japan, my family and I made a point to visit the Sophia University campus on All Sophians' Day. One cherished memory stands out: during one visit, my then five-year-old son had the incredible opportunity to sit in a race car proudly presented by the Sophia racing team, under the leadership of Dr. Terumichi. It was a delightful experience, providing us with a glimpse into the vibrant world of STEM clubs at Sophia University.

To me, the Sophia University Alumni DC Chapter feels like a home away from home, where alumni of all generations are warmly welcomed and treated with equal regard. I sincerely hope that more students and alumni in the area will have the opportunity to casually participate in these events in the near future.

(Rika Oishi, 1989 English)



Washington DC Sophians
Welcome University President Yoshiaki Terumichi on April 26, 2024




Washington DC Sophians Happy Hour (Jan. 24th)





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