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Washington, D.C. Chapter met the Sophia University President Terumichi


On November 13th, the Sophia University Alumni Association, Washington, D.C. Chapter met the Sophia University President Yoshiaki Terumichi. Sophia graduates and a total of four exchange students, one studying at Georgetown University and three studying at George Mason University gathered for networking and an informal information exchange. One student who studied at Georgetown University last year also joined the event. We were very fortunate that Mr. Kiyoshi Nakasaka (CEO of Washington Core and a graduate of English Studies in 1989) kindly offered the upscale and exclusive 'Cosmos Club' as a gathering venue for the event.

At the start of the party, President Terumichi gave a speech about some of the recent global education developments and initiatives being pushed by Sophia University and shared the story when he met with President John J. DeGioia of Georgetown University the day before. Both universities share historical roots in the Society of Jesus and both presidents would like to further strengthen the relationship.

This unprecedented opportunity to talk to the president motivated current students to study harder and we all appreciate Sophia University and the president for providing us with the great opportunity to study abroad.

Finally, having the opportunity to talk to the graduates working in the DC area was a very precious experience for the students, with the president mentioning he would like to maintain strong connections between alumni and students.

Mayu Chikaoka (2020 English Studies)



Washington DC Sophians
Welcome University President Yoshiaki Terumichi on April 26, 2024




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