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演題は「翔びたとう、女性たち」でしたが、白石氏の講演は「翔びたとう、男性たち He for She」ジェンダー平等の世界の実現を男性達に問いかける国連の新しいキャンペーンキーワードで締めくくられました。

(国際委員会 青柳敬子1980外西)

Former Ambassador to Lithuania Kazuko Shiraishi:"Women, Let's Soar"

The lecture was presented by Former Ambassador to Lithuania Kazuko Shiraishi (1974, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of Russian Studies) at June 28th at 18:00 in Conference Room 1701 of Building 2 on the Yotsuya Campus. She introduced about her carrier, situation at women at Developing countries in the world and its possible solution for their brighter future. At end of her lecture, she also introduced UN's new campaign key word which is "He for She". This key word is for men which asking them for creating gender equal world.

Ms. Shiraishi agreed to become our observer of International Committee of Sophia-kai.

Written by: Ms. Aoyagi of International Committee