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Singapore Sophians - Christmas Party Report


Singapore Sophians Alumni Club held a private Christmas Party at Sentosa Yacht club on 15 Dec collecting around fifty participants including family members.
Christmas dinner was served including Roasted Turkey and Christmas pudding. Everybody had decent time chattering and eating.
Exiting Christmas Auction, Bingo, and Golf Putter Competition followed after the dinner. Golf club members contributed to facilitate these great fun programs.

Here is the introduction of the Singapore Sophians Alumni Club.
Count around 200 members. People have different backgrounds in our club, which makes us excited when we discuss something, including expats for Japanese companies, entrepreneurs, localized employees, house wives and foreign students, from different nationalities and genders.
Of course most of us speak English. Please come and join us.


Prepared by Y. Itoi Graduate of 85 English Lit.



2019年度 シンガポールソフィア会開催日程のお知らせ


Singapore Sophians - Christmas Party Report


シンガポールソフィア会 忘年会を開催しました


シンガポールソフィア会ゴルフ部 大学対抗戦結果報告


シンガポールソフィア会 忘年会のお知らせ 11月22日(水)

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