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Singapore Sophians Annual Party 2015


Singapore Sophians Annual Party was held at Italian Restaurant "In Italy" closer to China Town.
26 members have joined and enjoyed delicious Italian food and wine. (Shiok!)
The party started with introduction on our club and the lead members, and then all the members have introduced themselves and familiarized.
Fun Lucky Draw game was also performed.
Members are friendly and talkative, thus so much interesting stories about Sophia and Singapore were shared.

Singapore alumni collects some 220 members, from various backgrounds and ages. Provides great opportunities for networking.
We conduct two larger formal parties a year. Additional periodical and adhoc activities include monthly meet-ups on third Thursday evening in the city and family events such as factory visits. Non-Japanese members also join, though language spoken in the events is mainly Japanese.

Y. Itoi (1985文英)



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